Call for Papers   | 5th Annual Sport & Discrimination Conference | University of Sunderland, London Campus, Friday 17 June 2022. Call ends February 4, 2022



The fifth annual Sport and Discrimination Conference examines the intersectional nature of discrimination in sport. This one-day event, 17 June 2022, at the University of Sunderland’s London Campus (Canary Wharf), invites presentations by academics, postgraduates, students, practitioners, and policy makers from a variety of backgrounds and specialisms.

Discrimination is a complex issue and this conference attempts to showcase how intersectionality can be used as a conceptual framework to explore and understand human experiences within sport. For Lind (2010:3), intersectionality is “a multi-faceted perspective acknowledging the richness of the multiple socially-constructed identities that combine each of us as a unique individual.” Our identity markers therefore culminate to help shape our journey’s, experiences, and successes/failures within sport, and society. Anderson and Hill Collins (2010: 5) add, “At any moment, race, class, or gender may feel more salient or meaningful in a given person’s life, but they are overlapping and cumulative in their effect on people’s experience.” This conference thus intends to investigate how our identity markers including ‘race’, ethnicity, class, gender, sexual orientation, (dis)ability, among others, operate within sport.

Discrimination cuts across traditional academic subjects and the ethos behind this conference is therefore to bring together experts from different subject areas to exchange ideas and explore what we can learn from one another.  We welcome presentations about all forms of discrimination across any sporting context.  As in previous years of Sport and Discrimination events, submissions may approach the conference from a variety of perspectives, including:

      • empirical findings about the nature and extent of discrimination in sport;
      • research articulating the experiences of those who have suffered discrimination in sport;
      • attempts to understand the intersectional nature of discrimination within sport;
      • contributions adding to the theoretical understanding of sport and discrimination;
      • policy recommendations and further suggestions for tackling and reducing discrimination in sport.

This year, however, the conference will have a focus on issues relating to media and new media. We therefore particularly welcome submissions about:

      • issues of fairness and bias in the sports media;
      • sports media representations and stereotypes;
      • the impacts of new and social media on discrimination on sport;
      • issues relating to diversity in the sports media;
      • how new media platforms can be innovatively used to gather empirical data in the field.

Proposals (in English, please), for 20-minute presentations, should include title, abstract (250 words), the name and institutional affiliation of the presenter and a concise biography (100 words). The submission deadline is 4 February 2022. All submissions and enquiries should be sent to:

The conference attendance fee is £80 for academics / practitioners and £30 for postgraduates and undergraduates. The registration page and link will be circulated following your notification of acceptance (if accepted) on 25 February 2022.

Key dates

January 2022: Call for papers
4 February 2022: Deadline for the submission of paper abstracts
25 February 2022: Notification of acceptance
17 June 2022: Sport and Discrimination Conference


University of Sunderland’s London Campus, 197 Marsh Wall, Canary Wharf, London E14 9SG.

Jacco van Sterkenburg

Keynote Speaker:

Professor Jacco van Sterkenburg, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Organising Committee

  • Dr Daniel Kilvington
    Senior Lecturer and Course Director in Media and Cultural Studies
    Leeds Beckett University, UK
    Twitter: @dan_kilvington
  • Dr John Price
    Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader for Sports Journalism
    University of Sunderland, UK


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