- Hanya Pielichaty
- Philippa Velija
- Catherine Phipps
- Nik Dickerson

This edited book focuses on sport-based higher education (HE) teaching from a critical pedagogical perspective and will be an output of the Critical Pedagogies in Sport International Network.
The relationship between HE courses in sport and the sports industry is permeable, each relying on the other to transform and challenge social injustice. This book will be both theoretical and practical providing a useful teaching and learning resource for fellow scholars. Social justice will be at the heart of the text underpinning discussions and recommendations.
The textbook aims to be global in terms of authorship, application and content to highlight the diversity of sport and sports-based HE teaching and learning.
The main objectives of the textbook are as follows:
- To provide academics and students with a critical resource to accompany their experiences of teaching and learning.
- To collate evidence-based research on critical pedagogies in sport to inform and transform teaching and learning practice.
- To provide academics with a practical guide to planning and managing sports-based teaching and learning opportunities from a critical, global perspective.
Sports-based HE disciplines are vast and the book may cover subjects such as sports business management, sports coaching, esports, physiology of sport, sociology of sport,ย sports psychology and Physical Education for example (note – this is not an exhaustive list).
We welcome international contributions to sports-based HE in the following areas:
- Critical perspectives
- Decolonial approaches to teaching and learning
- Social justice in teaching and learning
- Feminist perspectives
- Using sport history as a critical perspective
- Belonging and mattering
- Critical perspectives
- Power and privilege
- Critical reflection and positionality in teaching and learning
- Identities (gender, gender identity, race/ethnicity, dis/ability, socio-economic status, sexualities)
- Intersectional perspectives
- Advocacy and allyship
- Power and privilege
- Critical pedagogies in practice
- Challenges and opportunities linked to teaching inequity and social justice
- Teaching challenging and contested subjects
- Student as producers and co-creators in teaching and learning
- Practical pedagogies in delivering critical perspectives
- Facilitating belonging in teaching and learning
- Transformative teaching and learning
- Ethical and sustainable practices in higher education
- Critical pedagogies in practice
Chapter format and timescale
The chapters will be approx. 5000 words in length and may be written in a variety of forms, such as through dialogue, personal experience, case studies, primary research, secondary research, poetry, or reflection.
We welcome chapters from early career academics to more experienced researchers and editorial support will be available to all authors.
While the timeframe for the project is still developing and subject to change, we hope to put a full proposal to Routledge by March 2024, and all being well, to receive first chapter drafts by the end of November 2024.
Critical Pedagogies in Sport (CPIS) International Network
and Submission Details
The CPIS network was launched in October 2022 supported by the Eleanor Glanville Institute, University of Lincoln (UK) and currently has over 70 members from across 16 countries, spanning six continents.
Colleagues submitting a chapter will be invited to join CPIS to benefit from its community connections and resources.
If you would like to contribute a chapter for review and/or join CPIS please email Professor Hanya Pielichaty with a brief abstract (no more than 250 words) and a short biography by Thursday 29ย February 2024.
Email: hpielichaty@lincoln.ac.uk
Website: Critical Pedagogies in Sport
X: @CritPedSports