Tag: Tiago Ribeiro
Leisure Studies, Volume 43, 2024, Issue 2
The emphasis of Leisure Studies is on theoretically informed critical analyses within the social sciences and humanities of the topics that constitute leisure as a subject field – including the arts, tourism, sport and more. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Skating to Legitimacy: Institutional Work Practices within Collegiate Club Hockey by Alicia B. Romano, Logan Schuetz, Brent D. Oja & Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe.
Leisure Studies, Volume 41, 2022, Issue 4
The emphasis of Leisure Studies is on theoretically informed critical analyses within the social sciences and humanities of the topics that constitute leisure as a subject field – including the arts, tourism, sport and more. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: ‘I didn’t realise the variety of people that are climbers’: a sociological exploration of young women’s propensities to engage in indoor rock climbing by Jack Ryan Hewitt & Nollaig McEvilly (open access).
Journal of Sport & Tourism, Volume 26, 2022, Issue 1
JS&T aims to publish research that makes a clear contribution, substantively, theoretically or methodologically, to the body of knowledge relating to all aspects of the relationship between sport and tourism. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Can a negative destination image be improved through hosting a mega sports event?: the case of smart tourism city Pyeong Chang by Pam Lee, Chulmo Koo & Namho Chung.
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Volume 13, 2021, Issue 3
The International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics aims to publish articles that address all aspects of sport policy irrespective of academic discipline. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Sport clubs, policy networks, and local politics by Ørnulf Seippel & Johanna Sveen Belbo (open access).
Sport, Business and Management, Volume 11, 2021, Issue 3
SBM promotes the development of a coherent, high-quality body of work that examines both the business and management of sport, as well as the actors and stakeholders that align with sport to further their strategic objectives. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The ebbs and flows of green waves: environmental sustainability in Grand Slam tennis by Sylvia Trendafilova, Jamee Pelcher, Jeffrey Graham, Vassilios Ziakas.
Sport, Business and Management, Volume 11, 2021, Issue 2
SBM promotes the development of a coherent, high-quality body of work that examines both the business and management of sport, as well as the actors and stakeholders that align with sport to further their strategic objectives. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Net gains: a comparison of competitive balance between the ANZ Championship and Suncorp Super Netball by Henry E.T. Wetherall, Mark F. Stewart, Trong Anh Trinh.
International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, Vol 22, 2021, No 1 | Sports and Urban Development: Critical Issues
IJSMS is the world’s leading journal for the sports marketing industry, and provides a vital resource to both academic and industry experts. For academics it is an opportunity to publish the highest quality, peer-reviewed research. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Malmö – the skateboarding city: a multi-level approach for developing and marketing a city through user-driven partnerships by Karin Book, Gustav Svanborg Edén.
Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, Volume 13, 2021, Issue 1 | Employment of temporary migrants and non-nationals in the hospitality industry
JPRTLS provides a critical focus on a variety of policy debates relating to the tourism, leisure and events sectors. Such policy debates will encompass economic, social, cultural, political and environmental perspectives. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Using major events to increase social connections: the case of the Glasgow 2014 Host City Volunteer programme by Robert J. Rogerson, Rafaelle Nicholson, Fiona Reid & Bridget Sly.