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    Tag: sport for development and peace

    Call for Papers | “Managing Sport for Development and Peace” | Special Issue of the Journal of Global Sport Management. Call ends August 31, 2018

    This special issue of the Journal of Global Sport Management seeks to draw together and to showcase contemporary theorizations and empirical research into the Sport for Development and Peace sector.  Our focus is on the broadly defined managerial dimensions of SDP, and the various underpinning political, economic, social and cultural aspects of the sector.

    Journal of Sport for Development, Vol. 5, 2017, Issue 9

    The Journal of Sport for Development (JSFD) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal focused on publishing research from the Sport for Development sector. JSFD’s mission is to examine, advance and disseminate evidence, best practices, and lessons learned from Sport for Development programmes and interventions.

    Journal of Sport for Development, Vol. 5, 2017, Issue 8

    The Journal of Sport for Development (JSFD) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal focused on publishing research from the Sport for Development sector. JSFD’s mission is to examine, advance and disseminate evidence, best practices, and lessons learned from Sport for Development programmes and interventions.

    En vandring längs välviljans väg – Niklas Hafen disputerar, fredagen den 16 december 2016

    I avhandlingen, som fokuserar idrott och internationellt utvecklingsarbete, undersöker Niklas Hafen två skandinaviska hjälpinsatser där fotboll används som medel – för HIV/AIDS-bekämpning i Sydafrika och för att skapa politisk stabilitet i Moldavien – med hjälp av nyinstitutionell organisationsteori och genom etnografiskt inspirerade fältarbeten.

    Call for Papers | “Sport for Development and Peace in Latin America and the Caribbean” | Special issue of Journal of Sport for Development

    The aim of this special issue for the Journal Sport for Development (JSFD) is to encourage critical discussions on sport for development and peace (SDP) in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).

    Call for Papers | “Engaging the Field: Sport in Under­-Resourced, Underdeveloped, and Conflict Regions” | Special Issue of QRSEH

    This special issue calls for research that considers the impacts of sport for development and peace programmes as well as the role of sport as it naturally occurs in under­resourced, underdeveloped, and conflict regions. Submissions must be received by 31st March 2016, with final versions due on 31st July 2016.

    Call for Papers | Innovations in Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) Research | May 31–June 1, 2016, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta

    “We are pleased to invite proposals for participation in a colloquium on Innovations in Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) Research. While proposals do not need to consider the specific themes of gender or girlhood, we especially welcome contributions that focus on these areas.”

    Slutseminarium vid Institutionen för idrottsvetenskap, Malmö högskola | Niklas Hafen, En vandring längs välviljans väg

    Måndagen den 15 juni 2015 är det slutseminarium för Niklas Hafen, vars avhandling getts titeln En vandring längs välviljans väg? – En explorativ studie som medel inom ramen för internationellt utvecklingsarbete genom de skandinaviska exemplen LdB FC For Life i Sydafrika och Open Fun Football Schools i Moldavien.

    Research Seminar Series in Sport Sciences, Malmö University | 4 May 2015: “‘Sport for all’ in new settings” with Solveig Straume

    This is the latest installment of the Malmö Research Seminar Series in Sport Sciences, Malmö University, Spring 2015. The seminars will take place at the Orkanen building (Nordenskiöldsgatan 10) in Room E121c, between 13:15 to 15:00. This seminar is in English.

    Call for Papers | Special Issue on “Sport-for-Development and Peace Theory Building and Programme Development”

    Special Issue of the International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing. Guest Editor: Jon Welty Peachey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA According to the International Platform on Sport and Development (IPSD, n.d.), there are currently 572 sport-for-development and peace (SFDP) organisations registered globally as of Summer 2014. On 6 April, 2014 the first International Day of Sport for Development and Peace was declared...
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