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    Tag: Peter Carlman

    European Journal for Sport and Society, Vol. 21, 2024, Issue 3

    EJSS’ function is to enable an international discussion about current issues and to foster collaboration between researchers from all social scientific sub-disciplines. It’s published 4 times per year. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: ‘Women play football, not women’s football’: the potentials and paradoxes of professionalisation expressed at the UEFA women’s EURO 2022 Championship  by Anne Tjønndal, Sigbjørn Børreson Skirbekk, Stian Røsten & Egil Trasti Rogstad.

    In search of the meaning of physical education

    In Meaningful Physical Education: An Approach for Teaching and Learning (Routledge) the authors outline an approach to teaching and learning in physical education that prioritizes meaningful experiences for pupils, using case studies to illustrate how practitioners have implemented this approach across international contexts. Peter Carlman is our reviewer, and he is sympathetic to the basic premises of meaningful PE; however, he feels that emphasis lies on methods of teaching at the expense of learning objectives.

    Sport, Education and Society, Volume 29, 2024, Issue 2

    Sport, Education and Society encourages contributions from social scientists and educationalists studying the relationships between pedagogy, ‘the body’ and society, The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: To deviate from the expected: a collective story of physical activity among inactive rural children by Johan Högman, Christian Augustsson & Peter Carlman (open access).

    En praktiknära bok om idrottspsykologi

    Idrottspsykologi som ämne handlar om hur man utvecklar, förbättrar och underhåller tankar och handlingar som resulterar i optimal prestation och utveckling. Vikten av kunskap för att optimera idrottsupplevelsen och prestationerna hos idrottare är i fokus i Idrettspsykologi: Motivasjon, ledelse og prestasjon av Elsa Kristiansen och Hedda Berntsen (Universitetsforlaget). Vår recensent Peter Carlman framhåller bokens praktiknära pedagogik som dess främsta tillgång och USP.

    A comprehensive book in exercise psychology for undergraduate students

    The Psychology of Exercise: Integrating Theory and Practice by Lox, Martin Ginis, Gainforth and Petruzzelli (Routledge), now in its fifth revised edition, is a textbook for undergraduates with a number of useful pedagogical features which, according to our reviewer Peter Carlman, makes it particularly useful for developing exercise interventions, with significant and useful theories, models, and practical examples.

    Sport in Society, Volume 22, 2019, Issue 3

    The considerable growth of interest in commerce, media and politics and their relationship to sport in international academia has resulted in academics in various disciplines writing about sport. Sport in Society is a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary forum for academics to discuss the growing relationship of sport to significant areas of modern life.
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