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    Journal of Physical Activity and Health, Volume 17, 2020, Issue 9

    JPAH publishes original research and review papers. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: EVALUATING RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN SLEEP AND NEXT-DAY PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN YOUNG WOMEN by Bruce W. Bailey, Landon S. Deru, William F. Christensen, Andrew J. Stevens, Stephen Tanner Ward, Matthew L. Starr, Ciera L. Bartholomew, Larry A. Tucker.

    Journal of Physical Activity and Health, Volume 17, 2020, Issue 8

    JPAH publishes original research and review papers. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: RANDOMIZED CLINICAL TRIAL OF WATER-BASED AEROBIC TRAINING IN OLDER WOMEN (WATER STUDY): FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY AND QUALITY OF LIFE OUTCOMES by Luana Siqueira Andrade, Stephanie Santana Pinto, Mariana Ribeiro Silva, Paula Carolini Campelo, Samara Nickel Rodrigues, Mariana Borba Gomes, Vitor Lima Krüger, Graciele Ferreira de Ferreira, Cristine Lima Alberton.

    Journal of Physical Activity and Health, Volume 17, 2020, Issue 7

    JPAH publishes original research and review papers. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: IMPORTANCE OF FREQUENCY AND INTENSITY OF STRENGTH TRAINING FOR REDUCED MUSCULOSKELETAL PAIN IN THE BACK, NECK–SHOULDER, AND ARM–HAND AMONG PHYSICAL THERAPISTS by Yasmín Ezzatvar, Joaquín Calatayud, Lars L. Andersen and José Casaña.

    Journal of Physical Activity and Health, Volume 17, 2020, Issue 6

    JPAH publishes original research and review papers. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: EFFECTS OF THE MAT PILATES METHOD ON BODY COMPOSITION: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW WITH META-ANALYSIS by Allysiê Priscilla de Souza Cavina, Eduardo Pizzo Junior, Aryane Flauzino Machado, Taíse Mendes Biral, Leonardo Kesrouani Lemos, Caio Russo Dutra Rodrigues, Carlos Marcelo Pastre and Franciele Marques Vanderlei.

    Journal of Physical Activity and Health, Volume 17, 2020, Issue 5

    The Journal of Physical Activity and Health publishes original research and review papers examining the relationship between physical activity and health. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: TRENDS IN MUSCLE-STRENGTHENING EXERCISE AMONG NATIONALLY REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLES OF UNITED STATES ADULTS BETWEEN 2011 AND 2017 by Jason A. Bennie, Tracy Kolbe-Alexander, Jan Seghers, Stuart J.H. Biddle and Katrien De Cocker.

    Journal of Physical Activity and Health, Volume 17, 2020, Issue 4

    The JPAH publishes original research and review papers examines. Editor’s pick from the current issue: THE MOVE YOUR WAY CAMPAIGN: ENCOURAGING CONTEMPLATORS AND FAMILIES TO MEET THE RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY GUIDELINES FOR AMERICANS by Frances Bevington, Katrina L. Piercy, Kate Olscamp, Sandra W. Hilfiker, Dena G. Fisher and Elizabeth Y. Barnett.

    Journal of Physical Activity and Health, Volume 17, 2020, Issue 3

    The JPAH publishes original research and review papers examines. Editor’s pick from the current issue: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN THE SUMMER HEAT: HOW HOT WEATHER MODERATES THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BUILT ENVIRONMENT FEATURES AND OUTDOOR PHYSICAL ACTIVITY OF ADULTS by Kevin Lanza, Brian Stone Jr, Paul M. Chakalian, Carina J. Gronlund, David M. Hondula, Larissa Larsen, Evan Mallen and Regine Haardörfer.

    Journal of Physical Activity and Health, Volume 17, 2020, Issue 2

    The Journal of Physical Activity and Health publishes original research and review papers examining the relationship between physical activity and health. The journal publishes articles examining how physical activity influences all aspects of health. JPAH is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal published for researchers in fields of chronic disease in which physical activity may play a role in prevention, treatment, or rehabilitation.

    Journal of Physical Activity and Health, Volume 17, 2020, Issue 1

    The Journal of Physical Activity and Health publishes original research and review papers examining the relationship between physical activity and health. The journal publishes articles examining how physical activity influences all aspects of health. JPAH is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal published for researchers in fields of chronic disease in which physical activity may play a role in prevention, treatment, or rehabilitation.

    Journal of Physical Activity and Health, Volume 16, 2019, Issue 12

    The Journal of Physical Activity and Health publishes original research and review papers examining the relationship between physical activity and health. The journal publishes articles examining how physical activity influences all aspects of health. JPAH is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal published for researchers in fields of chronic disease in which physical activity may play a role in prevention, treatment, or rehabilitation.
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