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    Journal of Brand Strategy Volume 2, Number 2

    Journal of Brand Strategy provides detailed, practical articles from leading branding professionals on innovative strategies, techniques and trends, together with the latest applied research in branding and detailed analysis of how leading brands are managed around the world. NB: Abstracts not availablöe.

    Journal of Brand Strategy Volume 2 Number 1

    Journal of Brand Strategy provides detailed, practical articles from leading branding professionals on innovative strategies, techniques and trends, together with the latest applied research in branding and detailed analysis of how leading brands are managed around the world.

    Journal of Brand Strategy Volume 1 Number 4

    Journal of Brand Strategy provides detailed, practical articles from leading branding professionals on innovative strategies, techniques and trends, together with the latest applied research in branding and detailed analysis of how leading brands are managed around the world.

    Journal of Brand Strategy Volume 1 Number 3 2012

    Articles A unified theory of brand management: How your promise equation can make or break your brand Randall S. Rozin, Global Director, Brand Management and Marketing Communications, Dow Corning A new model for assessing the value of social media activity Mark Henry, Central Marketing Director and Brian Harte, Head of Customer Engagement & eMarketing, Tourism Ireland Strategies for making brands more dynamic and entrepreneurial Julie...
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