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    Tag: gender inequality

    Call for Papers | The role of sport in social life: Women, sport, and social change, International Conference | Ivo Pilar Institute of Social Sciences and University of Zagreb...

    The 2012 London Olympics can be symbolically considered the beginning of a new era, as women were represented for the first time in all sports, as well as in all delegations of the participating countries. Nevertheless, there are still numerous inequalities in the economic position and media treatment of women in modern sports as compared to men. We invite scientists to submit summaries of presentations on a wide range of topics and issues in the relationship between gender and sport

    Disputas | Virtual(ly) Women Athletes: A Study of Gendered Power Relations and Inequality in Sports-Themed Esports av Egil Trasti Rogstad, Nord universitet, 22 februar 2023

    Egil Trasti Rogstad will give a trial lecture and a public defense for the degree of Ph.D. in sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Nord University. In his doctoral work, Rogstad focuses on female players, gender perspectives and gender equality in e-sports – competitive computer gaming. He is concerned with social inequality, diversity and gender perspectives in sport and in media presentations of sport.

    Workshop | Cycling through gendered lives: exploring the link between structural gender inequalities, gender norms and mobility practices in Japan and beyond | January 20–21 2022

    This workshop will explore the link between structural gender inequalities, cultural gender norms, and women’s bicycling practices. Research works from around the world will be confronted to the “critical case” of Tokyo to identify ways forward for research on gender and cycling. To accommodate researchers from several different countries, and given the ongoing travel uncertainties associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, this workshop will be held online.

    Lediga platser | Doktorand i pedagogik, inriktning jämställdhet/jämlikhet inom idrottens område till Umeå universitet. Ansök senast den 9 januari 2022

    Doktorandanställningen är i Pedagogik med inriktning mot jämställdhet och jämlikhet inom idrottens område. Det innebär ett fokus på processer genom vilka människan formas och förändras i olika sociala, kulturella och historiska sammanhang inom idrottens område. Inom det idrottspedagogiska problemområdet behandlas bland annat olika aspekter av fostran, socialisation, utbildning, lärande, undervisning, styrning, organisering och ledning eller andra påverkansprocesser.

    Call for Papers | Frontiers Research Topic: “Women’s Professional Sport: Understanding Female-Specific Distinctiveness”. Call ends January 18, 2021

    This Research Topic seeks to address a gap in current scholarship, notably research that empirically examines the success and sustainability of approaches to developing, structuring, and delivering women’s professional sport. Professional sport is delimited as any sport that provides continuous paid employment and the opportunity to pursue said employment as a career.

    Call for Contributors | Routledge Handbook of Gender Politics in Sport and Physical Activity | Call ends July 1, 2020

    This Handbook focuses on the political aspects of gender in the fields of sport and physical activity and provides a comprehensive overview of the complex interplay between politics, gender, sport and physical activity. The Handbook is designed to be a key reference for academics, and an accessible as well as informative resource for sport practitioners, people involved in PA and exercise and interested in politics.

    Call for Papers | ”Idrett og ulikhet” | Temanummer av Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning. Deadline den 1 september 2019

    Ulikhet og ekskludering har vist seg å være en vedvarende problematikk i norsk og internasjonal idrett. Idretten har stor symbolsk makt i dagens samfunn og har derfor stor betydning for våre forestillinger om kjønn og likestilling. I dette temanummeret av Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning retter vi oppmerksomheten mot idrett og ulikhet.

    Call for Papers | Women, Sports and Media: Careers, Coverage, and Consequences | Call ends January 30, 2018

    “We seek research on three key themes: women sports journalists; audiences for women’s sports; and coverage of women athletes. We are particularly interested in work that addresses intersections with race/ethnicity and sexuality, and that identifies possible implications, impacts and potential solutions to problems.”

    Vacancy | Research Associate in Sport, Culture & Education for Sustainable Development | Loughborough University

    A Research Associate is required to work on an exciting, ESRC-funded project studying the role of sport, cultural and educational programmes in promoting sustainable development. As part of our research team, you will undertake research into the organisation and delivery of these programmes in three international locations (Cape Verde, Nepal and Timor Leste).
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