Call for Papers | “Sport for everybody?! – Limitations and barriers on the way to this ideal” | 13th Annual Meeting of the Transnational Scholars for the Study of Gender and Sport, an online conference, November 12–13, 2021. Call ends September 25, 2021


Since the 1970s, the idea of making sport accessible to everyone has been growing in Germany, Europe and also in the USA. A lot has developed since then, grassroots sport is well positioned and there are many ways to exercise or participate in sport.

However, the ideal of sport for everybody is not achieved yet. Due to their gender individuals as well as groups of people are still more or less systematically excluded from sport, are underrepresented or disadvantaged.

This conference therefore raises the question of how it will be possible to open up sport to everybody, regardless of the diversity of backgrounds, e.g. their gender, origin or social status, whether with or without disabilities, etc. Are there any examples we can learn from in an international context? What barriers for participation in sport and physical activity on an equal footing do still exist and how can they be broken down? How can underrepresented groups (e.g. women or persons with a LGBTIQ background) be specifically involved?

This conference will take place digitally on November 12th and 13th, 2021. There is no conference fee. You’ll find further information here soon.


We warmly invite all colleagues to participate in the conference with a scientific contribution. Please send us your abstracts for a single contribution (25 min) or a poster. These abstracts should not exceed the maximum length of 1 page or a maximum of 2,500 characters and should make the content of your contribution or poster as well as the reference to the conference topic clear.

We also invite young researchers to present and discuss their projects. There will be separate slots for this.

Please send your abstracts by September 25th to

The abstracts will undergo a review process. You will receive feedback on your abstract within two weeks.


      • Prof. Heike Tiemann, Universität Leipzig
      • Franzi Schreiter, Technische Universität Chemnitz

Organization team

Prof. Dr. Meike Breuer, Lars Klewe, Anna Löbig, Sharon Pluschke
Chemnitz University of Technology, Centre for teacher training

Any questions? Please contact at or 0049-371-53134427.

The program is under construction and will be available here as soon as possible.


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