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    Cykelfrämjandets uppsatsstipendium. Deadline för ansökan den 15 januari 2021

    Uppsatsen kan vara skriven inom en rad olika fält, exempelvis: stadsbyggnad, infrastruktur, kulturstudier, historia, teknik, hälsa, ekonomi etc. Exempel på studier kan vara förändrad samhällsplanering för att möta ett ökande antal cyklister, attityder till cykling i politik och media, cykelrörelsens historia, innovationer kopplade till cykeln som transportmedel eller effekter på folkhälsa och ekonomi när allt fler cyklar.

    Call for Papers | Longer Distance Cycling: roles, requirements and impacts | Special Issue of Active Travel Studies. Call ends November 16, 2020

    While the combination of longer distance good quality infrastructure and e-bikes could act as an encouragement for some, the combination of the two may not be attractive to others. Overall the special issue is interested in the potential contribution of longer distance cycling and its implications, good and bad. On the positive side, there may be gains in accessibility and inclusion; on the negative, longer distance cycling may deter shorter (slower) cycling trips.

    Public defence of doctoral thesis | How to Make Bicycling Safer: Identification and Prevention of Serious Injuries among Bicyclists | Maria Ohlin, University of Gothenburg, September 20, 2019

    The overall aim of this thesis was to guide current and future safety improvements that address serious injuries among bicyclists, and suggests five measures that require rapid implementation. Overall, this thesis highlights that additional interventions targeting single bicycle crashes need to be prioritised by road authorities in order to prevent health loss among bicyclists.

    Call for Papers | The Future of Cycling: Challenges and Possibilities, Cambridge, New Zealand, October 2, 2015

    Join us at the ‘Home of Cycling’ in Cambridge, New Zealand for a one-day symposium to discuss the challenges and potential of cycling. The symposium will also offer a half-day pre-fix event with a tour of the Home of Cycling, ‘Have a Go’ velodrome track session, and welcome drinks.

    Göteborgs cykelfestival, den 3–4 maj 2014

    Den 3–4 maj fylls Frilagret i lagerhuset (Heurlins plats 1, bakom Folkets hus vid Järntorget) med cykelkultur. Filmer, föreläsningar, utställningar, cykelturer, loppis, fest och tävlingar – vi hoppas att Göteborgs cykelfestival kommer att bli en återkommande mötesplats för alla oss som har cyklar och cykling som passion. Bland programpunkterna kan följande noteras: Åsa Maria Erlandsson, tävlingcyklist, berättar om livet som idrottare...

    Theme of the Month from Routledge: Cycling

    What does cycling mean to you? The modern world has never been more engaged with cycling, and to celebrate the popularity of the bike we have created a collection of articles, special issues and books from the past 5 years, with subthemes covering Cycling in the City, Planning for Cycling, Sustainable Transport, Cycling for Leisure, Competitive Cycling, Improving Performance, Scientific Research...

    Forskarprofil | Bill Sund, Stockholms universitet

    Befattning Professor emeritus Adress Hjortronmossevägen 27 139 35 Värmdö Forskningsinriktning Fotboll, cykelsport, Sport Management, idrottens dopingproblematik Pågående projekt Den svenska cykelsportens kamp mot doping. Folkrörelsesportens paradoxer och hybrider. Spelsystem och ledarskap i fotbolls EM 2016 och i OS damfotboll 2016. Nyligen avslutade projekt Fotbollens moderna utvecklingsprocess Svensk cykelsport i historisk och internationell belysning Relationen mellan idrotten och kyrkorna i ett historiskt och internationellt...

    Ta en cykeltur i Kalifornien!

    Bicicultures Roadshow: The Critical Bicycling Studies Tour de California Call for Participants April 16-17, 2013 in Davis, California What is it? The Bicicultures Roadshow will be a time for activists and researchers to talk, ride, eat, and play as we discuss and experience bicycling cultures. At this two-day conference, we will grapple with the shifting role of bicycle research and activism as it...