Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach Vol. 7, No. 6, November/December, 2015


Many Thanks!
Edward M. Wojtys

Focus Topic: Overhead Athlete
Ulnar Collateral Ligament and Elbow Adaptations in High School Baseball Pitchers
Nathan E. Marshall, Robert A. Keller, Marnix Van Holsbeeck, and Vasilios Moutzouros

The Development of Humeral Retrotorsion and Its Relationship to Throwing Sports
Elliot M. Greenberg, Alicia Fernandez-Fernandez, J. Todd R. Lawrence, and Philip McClure

Prospective Player-Reported Injuries in Female Youth Fast-Pitch Softball Players
Matthew V. Smith, Randi Davis, Robert H. Brophy, Heidi Prather, Jane Garbutt, and Rick W. Wright

A Comparison of Womenโ€™s Collegiate and Girlsโ€™ High School Volleyball Injury Data Collected Prospectively Over a 4-Year Period
Jonathan C. Reeser, Andrew Gregory, Richard L. Berg, and R. Dawn Comstock

Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction: Anatomy, Indications, Techniques, and Outcomes
Brandon J. Erickson, Joshua D. Harris, Peter N. Chalmers, Bernard R. Bach, Jr, Nikhil N. Verma, Charles A. Bush-Joseph, and Anthony A. Romeo

Current Research
Current Concepts in Hip Preservation Surgery: Part I
Kelly L. Adler, P. Christopher Cook, Yi-Meng Yen, and Brian D. Giordano

Exercise in Pregnancy: A Clinical Review
Sally K. Hinman, Kristy B. Smith, David M. Quillen, and M. Seth Smith

Evaluation of the Functional Movement Screen as an Injury Prediction Tool Among Active Adult Populations: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Bryan S. Dorrel, Terry Long, Scott Shaffer, and Gregory D. Myer

Rehabilitation Charges Associated With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Joanne Y. Zhang, Jeremiah R. Cohen, Michael G. Yeranosian, Elizabeth L. Lord, Jeffrey C. Wang, Frank A. Petrigliano, and David R. McAllister

On-Ice Functional Assessment of an Elite Ice Hockey Goaltender After Treatment for Femoroacetabular Impingement
Joseph S. Tramer, Jessica M. Deneweth, David Whiteside, James R. Ross, Asheesh Bedi, and Grant C. Goulet

Traumatic Tear of the Latissimus Dorsi Myotendinous Junction: Case Report of a CrossFit-Related Injury
Michael V. Friedman, J. Derek Stensby, Travis J. Hillen, Jennifer L. Demertzis, and Jay D. Keener


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