Making Progress
Edward M. Wojtys
When Is It Safe to Return to Sport After ACL Reconstruction? Reviewing the Criteria
Yonatan Kaplan and Erik Witvrouw
Conditioning Brain Responses to Improve Quadriceps Function in an Individual With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Chandramouli Krishnan, Edward P. Washabaugh, Aviroop Dutt-Mazumder, Scott R. Brown, Edward M. Wojtys, and Riann M. Palmieri-Smith
Hamstring Muscle Activity After Primary Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction—A Protective Mechanism in Those Who Do Not Sustain a Secondary Injury? A Preliminary Study
Riann M. Palmieri-Smith, Meagan Strickland, and Lindsey K. Lepley
Strength and Function Across Maturational Levels in Young Athletes at the Time of Return to Sport After ACL Reconstruction
Matthew P. Ithurburn, Adam Paljieg, Staci Thomas, Timothy E. Hewett, Mark V. Paterno, and Laura C. Schmitt
Age of First Exposure to American Football and Behavioral, Cognitive, Psychological, and Physical Outcomes in High School and Collegiate Football Players
Benjamin L. Brett, Daniel L. Huber, Alexa Wild, Lindsay D. Nelson, and Michael A. McCrea
Neuromuscular Control of Vertical Jumps in Female Adolescents
Donna Moxley Scarborough, Shannon E. Linderman, Valerie A. Cohen, Eric M. Berkson, Mary M. Eckert, and Luke S. Oh
Postoperative Lyme Arthritis in the Orthopaedic Patient
Matthew C. Hess, Zachary Devilbiss, Garry Wai Keung Ho, and Raymond Thal
Impact of Platelet-Rich Plasma Use on Pain in Orthopaedic Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Herman Johal, Moin Khan, Shu-hang Patrick Yung, Mandeep S. Dhillon, Freddie H. Fu, Asheesh Bedi, and Mohit Bhandari
Considerations of Conservative Treatment After a Partial Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury in Overhead Athletes: A Systematic Review
Nicole Cascia, Kelsey Picha, Carolyn M. Hettrich, and Tim L. Uhl
Identifying Factors That Contribute to Adolescent Bony Stress Injury in Secondary School Athletes: A Comparative Analysis With a Healthy Athletic Control Group
Eric D. Nussbaum, Jaynie Bjornaraa, and Charles J. Gatt, Jr