Comparison Between Various Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives Based on Spectators’ Attitudes and Attendance Intention for a Professional Baseball Franchise
Chen-Yueh Chen and Yi-Hsiu Lin
An Integrated Model for Stadium Atmosphere and Stadium Attachment: An Empirical Test in Two Baseball Stadium Contexts
Masayuki Yoshida, Brian S. Gordon, Makoto Nakazawa and Naoko Yoshioka
Declining Student Attendance at College Sporting Events: Testing the Relative Influence of Constraints
Jason Simmons, Nels Popp and T. Christopher Greenwell
An Examination of Relationship Selling Effectiveness in NCAA Division I Ticket Sales
James F. Weiner, T. Christopher Greenwell and Megan B. Shreffler
Types of CSR Initiatives and Fans’ Social Outcomes: The Case of Professional Sport Organizations
Yoseph Mamo, Kwame J. A. Agyemang and Damon P. S. Andrew
Niche Sport Sponsorship: Providing the Target Market Sponsors Want?
Greg Greenhalgh, Tiesha Martin and Allison Smith