The complex world of global sport
John Nauright & Sarah Zipp
The new sporting Cold War: implications of the Russian doping allegations for international relations and sport
Sergey Altukhov & John Nauright
NBC’s televised media portrayal of female athletes in the 2016 Rio Summer Olympic Games: a critical feminist view
Christina Villalon & Karen Weiller-Abels
Origin, diffusion and development of polo: an East to West cultural flow
Charles Parrish
Boosting ice hockey in China: political economy, mega-events and community
Hongxin Li & John Nauright
A destination development by building a brand image and sport event tourism: a case of Sport City USA
Young Hoon Kim, Hongxin Li & John Nauright
Developing a winning sport team culture: organizational culture in theory and practice
Jason Cole & Andrew J. Martin
Developing ‘good buggers’: global implications of the influence of culture on New Zealand club rugby coaches’ beliefs and practice
Remy Hassanin, Richard L. Light & Angus Macfarlane