“It’s Recovery United for Me”: Promises and Pitfalls of Football as Part of Mental Health Recovery
Jonathan Magee, Ramon Spaaij, Ruth Jeanes
“Just Because I Dance Like a Ho I’m Not a Ho”: Cheerleading at the Intersection of Race, Class, and Gender
Chelsea Mary Elise Johnson
Athletic Success and NCAA Profit-Athletes’ Adjusted Graduation Gaps
Richard M. Southall, E. Woodrow Eckard, Mark S. Nagel, Morgan H. Randall
Bearing Bodies: Physical Activity, Obesity Stigma, and Sexuality in the Bear Community
Shaun E. Edmonds, Susan G. Zieff
Common-Pool Resources in Rock Climbing
César Rendueles
Critical Discourse Analysis of Motivational Content in Commercially Available Exercise DVDs: Body Capital on Display or Psychological Capital Being Developed?
Bradley J. Cardinal, Kim A. Rogers, Brian Kuo, Rosalee L. Locklear, Katelyn E. Comfort, Marita K. Cardinal
Book Reviews
Discipline and Indulgence: College Football, Media, and the American Way of Life During the Cold War
Thomas P. Oates
Stickhandling Through the Margins: First Nations Hockey in Canada
Vicky Paraschak