Research Seminar Series in Sport Sciences, Malmö University | 30 November 2015: “The Health Guru: Masculinity and Fitness Coaching in the Blogosphere” | Jesper Andreasson


The venue for this seminar is Orkanen, Nordenskiöldsgatan 10, room E121c, on Monday, November 30, 15:15–17:00. The seminar will be in Swedish.

The Health Guru:
Masculinity and Fitness Coaching in the Blogosphere

Jesper Andreasson
Linneuniversitetet, Kalmar

Seminariet tar sin utgångspunkt i en artikel ut The Journal of Men’s Studie som Jesper skrotvit tillsammans med Thomas Johansson, ”The Health Guru: Masculinity and Fitness Coaching in the Blogosphere”. Länk till artikeln i dess helhet finns nedan, och så här lyder dess abstract:

Through a close study of blogs, where male fitness experts share their expertise, this article analyses how masculinity are framed within the Internet-mediated context of the fitness culture. This is done against the background of Connell’s theory of masculinity, and recent critiques of the concept of hegemony. Through an in-depth analysis of three blogs, we get a complex and contradictory image of the different forms of masculinity portrayed in these blogs and in fitness culture at large. The texts and imagery on the blogs clearly exceeds the criteria/limits of traits and norms traditionally considered male or female. In doing so, the may contribute to an increased acceptance for, for example, gay identities and other submissive masculinities.

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