Tag: gender
Call for Participation | “Inclusive events: gender, placemaking & human-environmental relationships”, CCSE Talk | Free online seminar, February 26, 2025, 2–3pm CET
CCSE Talks is back, and our first free online seminar for 2025 will be on Wednesday 26th of February from 1-2pm (GMT). Our two speakers, Barbara Grabher an Nourhan Bassam will talk on the theme “Inclusive events: gender, placemaking & human-environmental relationships”.
Offentligt försvar av en doktorsavhandling | Gud vad jobbigt: Religion och etnicitet i ämnet idrott och hälsa, av Kalle Jansson | Örebro universitet, den 8 november 2024
Kalle Janssons avhandling ger kunskap om hur religion och etnicitet, tillsammans med kön, blir betydelsefulla i skolämnet idrott och hälsa. Detta uppnås genom en empirisk studie vid fyra olika gymnasieskolor som studerar (a) hur spänningar relaterade till religion och etnicitet tar form och hanteras i idrott, (b) de didaktiska konsekvenserna av hanteringen, och (c) hur religion, etnicitet och kön korsar varandra när spänningarna tar form och hanteras. Studien är grundad i intersektionalitet och pragmatism, med hjälp av lektionsobservationer och intervjuer med lärare och elever.
Vacancy | Funded Ph.D., “Dressed for the Field: Gender, Bodies, and Society through the Material Culture of Field Hockey, 1880 to the present” | Call ends November 30, 2023
Applicants should have a background in material culture, fashion / textile history, gender history, or sport history. Individuals with a material culture or fashion / textile history background do not need to have knowledge of the sport of field hockey; similarly, applicants with a background in gender or sport history do not need to have knowledge of material culture or fashion / textile history.
Call for Chapters | Body, Politics, and Nation: Intersections of (Post)Modernity. Call ends February 28, 2023
Taking the timely but historically-rooted entanglements between the three – body, politics and nation seriously, we are particularly interested in submissions that highlight how the state and capitalism in their neoliberal iterations seek to control, mould, and discipline the body along the axes of gender, caste, race, sexuality, income etc. in their pursuit of power and profit.
Disputas | Spillets gang! En institusjonell etnografisk undersøkelse om kjønn, makt og styring i idrettsorganisasjonen i Norge av Hanne Elisabeth Sogn, Norges idrettshøgskole, 2 februar 2023
Norsk idrett har i all hovedsak vært dominert, utviklet og ledet av menn fra og med Norges Idrettsforbund (NIF) ble stiftet i 1946. I den offentlige diskurs og i forskning om idrettsorganisasjonen beskrives norsk idrett ofte som en «mannsbastion», en organisasjon preget av en sementert mannskultur og manglende kjønnslikestilling. Formålet med Hanne Sogns prosjekt er å fremskaffe kunnskap om mulige årsaker til den vedvarende mannsdominans i toppledersjiktet i organisasjonen.
Call for Papers | “Emerging issues and alternative futures for gender and sport”, 14th Annual Meeting of the Transnational Scholars for the Study of Gender and Sport | Nord...
We invite scholars, policymakers and practitioners to discuss emerging transformations, issues and potentials that concern gender and related topics in sport. While some problems persist, there are also new and undetected phenomena that configure gendered issues in sport in novel and unexpected ways. We encourage conference participants to propose how we may approach emerging problematics in research, policymaking and practice in the field of gender and sport.
Call for Papers | The 4th annual conference for the Center for Sociocultural Sport and Olympic Research (CSSOR) | California State University, Fullerton, March 18-19, 2022. Call ends...
Proposed research papers focusing on broader sociocultural topics within sport are welcomed in addition to research specifically addressing the Olympic Movement. Scholars in the fields of history, philosophy, management, communication, ancient and modern languages, literature, visual and performing arts, anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, economics, marketing, and law are encouraged to submit proposals or attend the conference.
Call for Papers | “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Sport Marketing”, Special Issue of International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship. Call ends January 31, 2022
The objective of this IJSMS special issue is to bring together scholarship that seeks to advance our collective knowledge on diversity and inclusion in sport marketing. We acknowledge that diversity may include a myriad of characteristics that distinguish individuals and groups of people. However, this special edition focuses on diversity as it pertains to the following equity seeking groups: Race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability.
Livestreamad disputation | Physical contact in physical education – New perspectives and future directions av Annica Caldeborg | Örebro universitet, 2021-06-11
Denna avhandling tar sin utgångspunkt inom forskningsområdet intergenerationell beröring i pedagogiska miljöer. Specifikt är det främst studentperspektivet på fysisk kontakt mellan lärare och studenter inom skolämnet idrott och hälsa som är av intresse. Resultaten presenteras i fyra studier och erbjuder olika perspektiv på fysisk kontakt i idrottsämnet: studenternas perspektiv, studentperspektiv relaterade till heteronormativitet, invandrarstudenters perspektiv och ett forskningsfältperspektiv.
Call for Papers | “Sport and its transformations – from marginal to global cultural practice”. Online International Conference on Sport History, University of Bucharest, June 10–12, 2021. Call ends...
Sport has changed considerably over time, and capturing its transformations has always been a challenge for historical research. For this reason, in order to better understand the impact of sport on the dynamics of our society, we invite you to explore the sport scene. This conference will examine the people’s relationship with sport from Antiquity to the present day and will discuss how the metamorphosis of sport is determined by the historical period, region, gender, class, ethnicity, etc.