Special Section: Cultural Sport and Exercise Psychology: Intersecting Identities. Guest Edited by Robert J. Schinke & Kerry R. McGannon
Cultural sport psychology and intersecting identities: An introduction in the special section
Pages 45-47
Robert J. Schinke, Kerry R. McGannon
Reprint of: Working with religious and spiritual athletes: Ethical considerations for sport psychologists
Original Research Article, Pages 48-55
Mustafa Sarkar, Denise M. Hill, Andrew Parker
The influence of the Chinese sport system and Chinese cultural characteristics on Olympic sport psychology services
Original Research Article, Pages 56-67
Gangyan Si, Yanping Duan, Hin-Yue Li, Chun-Qing Zhang, Ning Su
What a difference a “Mentally Toughening” year makes: The acculturation of a rookie
Original Research Article, Pages 68-78
Stephanie J. Tibbert, Mark B. Andersen, Tony Morris
Centralizing culture in cultural sport psychology research: The potential of narrative inquiry and discursive psychology
Original Research Article, Pages 79-87
Kerry R. McGannon, Brett Smith
Negotiating female judoka identities in Greece: A Foucauldian discourse analysis
Original Research Article, Pages 88-98
Anna Kavoura, Tatiana V. Ryba, Stiliani Chroni
Highlighted Articles
Extending the 3 × 2 achievement goal model to the sport domain: The 3 × 2 Achievement Goal Questionnaire for Sport
Original Research Article, Pages 7-14
Nicolas Mascret, Andrew J. Elliot, François Cury
The effects of an imagery intervention on implicit and explicit exercise attitudes
Original Research Article, Pages 24-31
David Markland, Craig R. Hall, Lindsay R. Duncan, Jacqueline Simatovic
Sport Psychology
Motor ability and self-esteem: The mediating role of physical self-concept and perceived social acceptance
Original Research Article, Pages 15-23
Mirko Schmidt, Markus Blum, Stefan Valkanover, Achim Conzelmann
Emotional maturity, dispositional coping, and coping effectiveness among adolescent athletes
Original Research Article, Pages 32-39
Adam R. Nicholls, Andrew R. Levy, John L. Perry
Evidence for the effectiveness of holistic process goals for learning and performance under pressure
Pages 40-44
Richard Mullen, Andrea Faull, Eleri Sian Jones, Kieran Kingston
Exercise Psychology
Predicting changes in planning behaviour and physical activity among adults
Original Research Article, Pages 1-6
Chetan D. Mistry, Shane N. Sweet, Amy E. Latimer-Cheung, Ryan E. Rhodes