Peter Donnelly, välbekant idrottsforskare vid University of Toronto, skickade ut följande uppmaning på de nordamerikanska idrottssociologernas e-postlista:
Please find below a link to a copy of a draft Research Report. We would like to crowdsource/expertsource the fact checking for this Report, a Gender Equality Audit of the London 2012 Olympics, and we hope that some of you will be able to help.
Report – Olympic Gender Equality
We are particularly concerned about the rule differences that existed between men’s and women’s events at the London Olympics. Before this Report is released to those who are in a position to make a difference in terms of gender equality at the Olympics (and in sport more broadly) we need to be sure that we have our facts correct.
Any errors could lead to the whole Report being dismissed.
We have ploughed through International(sport) Federation web sites — the rules of sports are never presented in a consistent way, and sometimes the differences between men’s and women’s events are difficult to find, and different between different levels of competition. For example, at many levels of basketball, women play with a slightly smaller ball than men — but in Olympic/International basketball rules, it seems that women and men play with the same size ball. However, we want to be certain that that is the case.
We would like to draw on your collective knowledge and expertise to make sure that, for the 2012 Olympics:
- We have not misrepresented any rule differences between men’s and women’s events at the Olympic/International level; and
- We have not missed any rule differences between men’s and women’s events at the Olympic/International level.
These differences are outlined in the Results section and the related Tables in the Report.
Please let us know if you find any misrepresentations of difference, or missing differences and, if possible, provide a reference/source for the correction.
Thank you in anticipation / please respond directly to Michele or me.
Peter & Michele
Peter Donnelly, Professor
Director, Centre for Sport Policy Studies
Michele Donnelly, Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Sociology
University of Southern California