Beyond the Finishing Line: Sports and Human Rights


Constantino Pereira Martins1, Luísa Ávila da Costa2, Marcos Panciera1,3
& Paulo Antunes4
1 IEF (University of Coimbra); 2 CIFI2D (University of Porto);
3 PPGF (Federal University of Santa Maria); 4 CEPS (University of Minho)

This article explores the intersection of sports and human rights, illustrating how sports have evolved into a critical component of society, overcoming the outdated perspective viewing sports as leisure or competitive pursuits, recognizing their role as fundamental rights, reinforced by international frameworks like the Olympic Charter and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. These advancements highlight sports’ capacity to promote physical and mental well-being and social inclusion. The analysis underscores sports as unique spaces of freedom, where individuality and spontaneity thrive. However, the increasing reliance on technology, from performance-enhancing tools to data-driven systems, raises ethical concerns. Further, the inherent tensions between violence and ethics in sports reveal a dual legacy: sports as both arenas for competition and platforms for human dignity. The adoption of care ethics prioritizes the holistic well-being of all participants, challenging traditional views totally centered on competitiveness and victory, and fostering a deeper commitment to humanity. The article highlights ongoing challenges and advocates for interdisciplinary efforts to develop equitable policies and sustainable solutions. As agents of social transformation, sports have the potential to inspire collective action, uphold human rights, and build a more inclusive and just global society.

Download Pereira Martins et al. (pdf)

CONSTANTINO PEREIRA MARTINS, b. 1974, Lisbon. PhD in Philosophy at NOVA University of Lisbon with the support of FCT. Researcher at IEF of  the University of Coimbra, creator and founder of FilArch and AFDLP. Member of ENJP and IAPS. His current research focuses on four key areas: Humor, Politics, Sports and Architecture. He was a visiting researcher at USP, São Paulo, and Concordia University, Montreal.

LUÍSA ÁVILA DA COSTA is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sport, University of Porto, and a member of CIFI2D, of the Faculty of Sport, University of Porto. She is the President of AFDLP (Portuguese Language Philosophy of Sport Association); member and Secretary-General of EAPS; member of IAPS, BPSA, and ALFID. Her research work focus on fields such as: the aesthetics and ethics of sport, education through sport and physical education, sporting virtues, technology and sport, the body in sport, among others.

MARCOS PANCIERA is a PhD candidate in Philosophy at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (Brazil), where his research focuses on environmental ethics. He is also a Research Fellow at the Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal). His primary areas of study include Aristotelian philosophy, environmental philosophy, value theory, and the emerging field of philosophy of sport, focused on the philosophy of surf, exploring the intersections between ecological thought, ethical frameworks, and cultural practices. Surfer and former lifeguard.

PAULO ANTUNES is a researcher at the Centre for Ethics, Politics and Society (CEPS), University of Minho. Post-doc funded by the exploratory project The Public Interest. The Politico-Philosophical Investigation (EXPL/FER-ETC/1226/2021), hosted by the CEPS, 2024. PhD in Philosophy (FCT fellow: SFRH/BD/116938/2016) by the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon (FLUL), 2021. Member of the Association for the Philosophy of Sport in Portuguese Language. Contact:



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