Striving to improve regardless of age: A study of Masters Athletes in running

In Danish

Henrik Pedersen
Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, Copenhagen University

Over the past years, we have witnessed a marked increase in the number of ‘serious athletes’ of a relatively high age. These middle-aged and older ‘serious athletes’ are often referred to as Masters Athletes. This study focuses on Danish Masters Athletes in running. The theoretical inspiration is drawn from Bauman’s concepts of identity, fitness, and ‘being in front of the style-pack’. The use of Bauman’s theoretical concepts contributes to new understandings of the importance and impact of running on the life and identity of the Masters Athletes. These Danish Masters Athletes continue to improve their performance and win races despite their age. In exercising their sport, it seems that the Masters Athletes do not pay much attention to (or express any concern about) age!

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HENRIK PEDERSEN (b. 1962) is M.Sc. Psychology and Masters in Sport and Welfare from Copenhagen University. He is an external lecturer in sports psychology, coaching and team development at Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, Copenhagen University. Henrik has over the years worked as a consultant with organizational development and management, and he has been teaching and coaching leaders, coaches, athletes and teams.

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