Ny resurssida för och om idrottande flickor och kvinnor


Bakom webbsidan Fuel Aotearoa står Dr. Holly Thorpe, välkänd idrottsforskare vid University of Waikato, och Maria Bentley, fysioterapeut, långsdistanslöpare och doktorand vid Auckland University of Technology.

Holly skriver: “The Fuel Aotearoa website (www.fuelaotearoa.co.nz) aims to make research-based information about the Female Athlete Triad, body image issues, and energy deficiency accessible to everyday women. The website was launched last week and already we have had a phenomenal response. Although the website has a New Zealand focus in the title and in the list of health professionals for those seeking further advice or help, we hope others around the world can also use it with their athletes, clients, friends and family.”


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