Original Research
A Reciprocal Effects Model of the Temporal Ordering of Basic Psychological Needs and Motivation
Guillaume Martinent, Emma Guillet-Descas, Sophie Moiret
Ego Depletion and Attention Regulation Under Pressure: Is a Temporary Loss of Self-Control Strength Indeed Related to Impaired Attention Regulation?
Chris Englert, Kris Zwemmer, Alex Bertrams, Raôul R. D. Oudejans
Affective and Enjoyment Responses to High-Intensity Interval Training in Overweight-to-Obese and Insufficiently Active Adults
Nic Martinez, Marcus W. Kilpatrick, Kristen Salomon, Mary E. Jung, Jonathan P. Little
Physical Self-Concept Changes in a Selective Sport High School: A Longitudinal Cohort-Sequence Analysis of the Big-Fish-Little-Pond Effect
Herbert W. Marsh, Alexandre J.S. Morin, Philip D. Parker
Antisocial Sport Behaviors Survey: Instrument Development and Initial Validation
Miranda P. Kaye, Sharleen Hoar
The Relationship Between Meeting Vigorous Physical Activity Recommendations and Burnout Symptoms Among Adolescents: An Exploratory Study With Vocational Students
Catherine Elliot, Christin Lang, Serge Brand, Edith Holsboer-Trachsler, Uwe Pühse, Markus Gerber
Research Notes
Relationships Between the Coach-Created Motivational Climate and Athlete Engagement in Youth Sport
Thomas Curran, Andrew P. Hill, Howard K. Hall, Gareth E. Jowett
Self-Control, Self-Regulation, and Doping in Sport: A Test of the Strength-Energy Model
Derwin King-Chung Chan, Vanessa Lentillon-Kaestner, James A. Dimmock, Robert J. Donovan, David A. Keatley, Sarah J. Hardcastle, Martin S. Hagger
The Effect of Uniform Color on Judging Athletes’ Aggressiveness, Fairness, and Chance of Winning
Bjoern Krenn