Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, Volume 11, 2019, Issue 1


Caves to castles: the development of second home practices in New Zealand
Trudie Walters
Pages: 1-15

An empirical test of the Olympic tourism legacy
Steven E. Moss, Kathleen H. Gruben & Janet Moss
Pages: 16-34

A motivation-based typology for natural event attendees
Martinette Kruger, Melville Saayman & John Hull
Pages: 35-53

Events, social connections, place identities and extended families
Bernadette Quinn & Theresa Ryan
Pages: 54-69

Understanding tourism policy development: a documentary analysis
Sotiroula Liasidou
Pages: 70-93

From an event to tourist attraction: a typological study of New Year celebrations
Hamira Zamani-Farahani, Mathilda van Niekerk & Elaine F. Mathis
Pages: 94-120

Issues, patterns and strategies in the development of event portfolios: configuring models, design and policy
Vassilios Ziakas
Pages: 121-158

Contemporary Policy Debates

International sanctions, tourism destinations and resistive economy
Siamak Seyfi & C. Michael Hall
Pages: 159-169

Tourism and poverty alleviation: a reply to Sharpley
Robertico Croes & Manuel Rivera
Pages: 170-178

Case Report

Policy decisions and tourism: unintended consequences or deliberate neglect – reactions to the ban on term time holidays in the UK’s South West
Andreas Walmsley
Pages: 179-192

Book Review

Wellness and tourism – mind, body, spirit, place
İlkay Taş Gürsoy
Pages: 193-195


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