The Benefits of Mentoring for Researchers and Sports Scientists—Who Do I Help?
David Pyne
The Effect of Periodization and Training Intensity Distribution on Middle- and Long-Distance Running Performance: A Systematic Review
Mark Kenneally, Arturo Casado, and Jordan Santos-Concejero
Peak Age and Performance Progression in World-Class Track-and-Field Athletes
Thomas A. Haugen, Paul A. Solberg, Carl Foster, Ricardo Morán-Navarro, Felix Breitschädel, and Will G. Hopkins
Improvement of Prediction of Noncontact Injury in Elite Australian Footballers With Repeated Exposure to Established High-Risk Workload Scenarios
Marcus J. Colby, Brian Dawson, Peter Peeling, Jarryd Heasman, Brent Rogalski, Michael K. Drew, and Jordan Stares
PlayerLoad Variables: Sensitive to Changes in Direction and Not Related to Collision Workloads in Rugby League Match Play
Billy T. Hulin, Tim J. Gabbett, Rich D. Johnston, and David G. Jenkins
The Influence of Match-Day Napping in Elite Female Netball Athletes
Shannon O’Donnell, Christopher M. Beaven, and Matthew Driller
Positional Comparisons in the Impact of Fatigue on Movement Patterns in Hockey
Esther Morencos, Blanca Romero-Moraleda, Carlo Castagna, and David Casamichana
The Cortisol Awakening Response: Association With Training Load in Endurance Runners
Travis Anderson, Amy R. Lane, and Anthony C. Hackney
Planned Load Reduction Versus Fixed Load: A Strategy to Reduce the Perception of Effort With Similar Improvements in Hypertrophy and Strength
Bruce M. Lima, Rafael S. Amancio, Diacre S. Gonçalves, Alexander J. Koch, Victor M. Curty, and Marco Machado
Three-by-Three Basketball: Inertial Movement and Physiological Demands During Elite Games
Paul G. Montgomery and Brendan D. Maloney
The Same Story or a Unique Novel? Within-Participant Principal-Component Analysis of Measures of Training Load in Professional Rugby Union Skills Training
Dan Weaving, Nicholas E. Dalton, Christopher Black, Joshua Darrall-Jones, Padraic J. Phibbs, Michael Gray, Ben Jones, and Gregory A.B. Roe
Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season
Paula B. Debien, Marcelly Mancini, Danilo R. Coimbra, Daniel G.S. de Freitas, Renato Miranda, and Maurício G. Bara Filho
Validity and Reliability of the 3-Minute All-Out Test in National and International Competitive Swimmers
Eva Piatrikova, Ana C. Sousa, Javier T. Gonzalez, and Sean Williams
Physical and Physiological Demands of Elite Rugby Union Officials
Matthew R. Blair, Nathan Elsworthy, Nancy J. Rehrer, Chris Button, and Nicholas D. Gill
β-Alanine Supplementation’s Improvement of High-Intensity Game Activities in Water Polo
Gabriel Motta Pinheiro Brisola, Elvis de Souza Malta, Paulo Roberto Pereira Santiago, Luiz Henrique Palucci Vieira, and Alessandro Moura Zagatto
Mechanisms of Performance Improvements Due to a Leading Teammate During Uphill Cycling
Theo Ouvrard, Alain Groslambert, Gilles Ravier, Sidney Grosprêtre, Philippe Gimenez, and Frederic Grappe
Impact of Accommodating Resistance in Potentiating Horizontal-Jump Performance in Professional Rugby League Players
Alasdair Strokosch, Loic Louit, Laurent Seitz, Richard Clarke, and Jonathan D. Hughes
Predictors of Attack Performance in High-Level Male Volleyball Players
Dimitrios Challoumas and Andreas Artemiou
Sprinting for the Win: Distribution of Power Output in Women’s Professional Cycling
Jeremiah J. Peiffer, Chris R. Abbiss, Eric C. Haakonssen, and Paolo Menaspà
Power Output and Pacing During International Cross-Country Mountain Bike Cycling
Cyril Granier, Chris R. Abbiss, Anaël Aubry, Yvon Vauchez, Sylvain Dorel, Christophe Hausswirth, and Yann Le Meur
Bioimpedance Vector Analysis of Elite, Subelite, and Low-Level Male Volleyball Players
Francesco Campa and Stefania Toselli