Fergie Time and the Allocation of Additional Time: Evidence from the English Premier League 2009 to 2013
Robbie Butler and David Butler
Is There a Wage Premium or Wage Discrimination For Foreign-Born Players in the NBA?
James Richard Hill and Peter A. Groothuis
Estimating the Non-Market Value of a College Sports Tradition
Matthew G. Interis and Naomi J. Taylor
Guest Editors’ Introduction
Ruud H. Koning, Jochen Mierau, Thomas Peeters
Public Expenditure and Sport Participation: An Examination of Direct, Spillover, and Substitution Effects
Sören Dallmeyer, Pamela Wicker, Christoph Breuer
A Country-Level Efficiency Analysis of the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio: A Complete Picture
Julio del Corral, Carlos Gomez-Gonzalez, José Manuel Sánchez-Santos