International Summer School for Young Researchers
Course for PhD Students
18-22 August 2014 – Welcome dinner 17 August 2014
Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
The application deadline is 7 May 2014
Aims and topic
The Copenhagen Summer School 2014 focus on the topic Physical Activity and Sport: Current discourses and practices from a human and social science perspective. This topic covers a broad area which allows experts and students to share experiences and expertise in their respective fields of research and to address relevant discourses and practices in various societies.
The Cph Summer School provides a space to exchange ideas and knowledge about these and other current tendencies in the multiple areas of physical activities and sports.
The course will provide an excellent opportunity for students and lecturers to exchange knowledge about current and emerging issues in their respective country. The Cph Summer School will provide a forum which enables communication, networks and cooperation among the participants, students as well as lecturers. Read more in first announcement.
In keynote lectures the experts will address important questions, new approaches and results, problems and strategies of research, current trends and major issues in the area of sport ideologies, practices and realities. Read more in first announcement.
Selection of the students
The Cph Summer School will take place in collaboration with the International Societies for Sport History (ISHPES) and Sport Sociology (ISSA), the European Association of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC) and the International Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women (IAPESGW).
Participants are expected to be PhD students, Postdocs or young researchers (e.g. planning a PhD or working on their PhD). Participants will be selected according to the following criteria: relevance of the topic and quality of the project. Note that Danish and international PhD students have first priority to this course. The number of students will be between 25 to 30 and the Cph Summer School aims to include participants from as many countries as possible. Read more in first announcement.
4 ECTS. Students willing to present their PhD project during the course including 5-7 page paper (30 min. presentation) may be awarded with one additional ECTS point (=5 ECTS points total).
Call for applications
Read more in first announcement (pdf)
Fee for meals
For all participants: 500 DKK which includes 5 lunches, 3 dinners, coffee breaks, entrances and more.
We have made an arrangement with Danhostel Copenhagen City. All participants staying at Danhostel in a shared room (same sex) from August 17 to August 23 including breakfast and linen. 1530 DKK. Booking code is needed for the special prices, and will be informed by acceptance to the course.
We recoment you to rent a bike at Danhostel. The easiest way to get from the hostel to the Department is by bike. For the acitivities in the sociale programe we go by bike all together.
Course fee
No fee for PhD students under the Open Market in Denmark and NOVApartners. Other participants are to pay a course fee of 150 EUR. Each student must pay and arrange their own travel to the course.
Apply for PhD course Cph Summer School – The deadline is 7 May 2014
This PhD course is supported by the Ministry of Culture and the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen.