Call for Participation | “The future of research in Body Culture and Play”. In memoriam Henning Eichberg | University of Southern Denmark, November 2, 2018. Call ends October 24, 2018


Henning Eichberg’s last book, Play in Philosophy and Social Thought, was posthumously published in August 2018 by Routledge, edited by Signe Højbjerre Larsen.
To celebrate the publication, to remember Henning Eichberg, and to discuss his concept of and research in body culture and play, we are hosting a seminar on Friday the 2nd of November. The seminar takes places in the Lab for Play and Innovation at the Department of Sport Sciences and Clinical Biomechanics at University of Southern Denmark.
The seminar will be in English, except for the last two presentations (translation is possible).
Please sign up before the 24th of October using this link:
Kind regards,
Signe Højbjerre, Bjarne Ibsen, Jørn Hansen,
Kaya Roessler & Bo Vestergård Madsen
Questions? Contact Signe at



10.15-11.00 Keynote 1
Why do we need a concept of body culture and a philosophy of sport for all?
Speaker: Mike McNamee, Professor in Sport Science at Swansee University.
11.00-11.10 Short break
Institut International D’Anthropologie Corporelle (IIAC) Body culture and intercultural understanding – an international workshop!
Speaker: Jørn Hansen, Professor in Sports Science at University of Southern Denmark.
Qualifying questions instead of giving answers – a biographical sketch
Speaker: Kirsten Kaya Roessler, Professor in Psychology at the University of Southern Denmark.
11.50-12.00 Short break
12.00-12.40 Keynote 2
The philosophy of play
Speaker: Emily Ryall, Reader in Applied Philosophy at the University of Gloucestershire.
Play in philosophy and social thought
Speaker: Signe Højbjerre Larsen, Assistant Professor in Sports Science at University of Southern Denmark.
13.00-13.45 Lunch. A light lunch will be served


PART 2: HVILKEN BETYDNING HAR KROPSKULTURSBEGREBET I DAG [What’s the relevance of the concept of body culture today?]

Hvor er kropskultursbegrebet i dag – i forskning og uddannelse? [The concept of body culture in contemporary research and education]
Speakers: Annemari Svendsen, Associate Professor in Sports Science at the University of Southern Denmark, and Helle Winther, Associate Professor in Sports Science at University of Copenhagen.
14.30-14,40 Short break
Hvilken betydning har kropskulturs begrebet i dagens idræts- og kulturliv? [The concept of body culture in culture politics and contemporary society]
Speakers: Claus Bøje, former researcher and chief of development, Bo Vestergård Madsen, Deputy Head of Centre at the University of Copenhagen and Bjarne Ibsen, Professor in Sports Science at University of Southern Denmark.
15.15-16.00 Reception




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