Call for Papers | Sport and Recreation Law Association Conference | San Antonio, TX, Feb 28–March 3, 2018. Call ends 2017-10-31


The Sport and Recreation Law Association aims to further the study and dissemination of information regarding legal aspects of sport and recreation. The Association addresses legal aspects of sport and recreation within both the public and private sectors.

The Association serves academicians and practitioners in private and public sport and recreation settings. Members have diverse educational and experiential backgrounds and represent a variety of occupations and interests. They may teach or be students at institutions of higher education (sport and recreation management programs, law schools), practice law, operate risk management firms, or serve in other related fields.

The SRLA Conference is an annual event that provides quality peer-reviewed scholarship in the area of sport and recreation law; scholarship is disseminated through 25 minute presentations, 75 minute symposium sessions, and poster sessions.  Conference attendees also have the opportunity to interact with scholars and practitioners from across the country, engage in social activities, and network with industry professionals. The Conference is beneficial for professionals, academics and students alike.

Please read the following Abstract Submission Guidelines prior to submitting your abstract. Most importantly, please note that 2018 Conference abstracts must be submitted online.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • To be considered for acceptance, abstracts must reflect research on legal theory or the application of law to sport, physical activity or recreation management issues. Additionally, proposals indicating research regarding innovative teaching techniques applied to legal issues in sports, physical activity or recreation management will be considered.
  • The abstract length is a minimum of 600 words and maximum of 2,000 words, including references. The abstract should provide sufficient detail about the presentation so that reviewers can adequately judge its quality. Abstracts will undergo a three-person blind-review process to determine acceptance.
  • Authors may submit a maximum of two (2) abstracts in which he/she is the sole or lead author; an author’s name may not appear on more than three (3) abstracts total. The only exception is in the case of faculty advisor; it must clearly indicate in the author section of the submission that she/he is a faculty advisor and will not be a co-presenter at the conference. If the abstract is accepted, the faculty advisor will be listed in the conference program as an advisor rather than a co-presenter.
  • Abstracts submitted to SRLA may not (a) be concurrently submitted for consideration to another conference, (b) have been previously presented at another conference, or (c) reflect work published prior to October 2017.
  • A student submitting a research project for the Bernard Patrick Maloy Graduate Student Research Award may also submit an abstract of the project in response to the Call for Papers. The student must identify the submission as such in the online abstract submission system under Topics (further instructions provided in online submission database).
  • Submission of an abstract(s) acknowledges the presenter(s) intent to register for the Conference, pay the appropriate registration fee, and present the research (Note: one presenter from each presentation must be registered by the Early Bird Deadline or the session will be removed from the program).
  • If accepted, SRLA will post your abstract and presentation on the SRLA website, unless you notify the program Chair that you desire to opt out of posting on the website.
  • No author changes may be made after the submission deadline.

Abstract Submission Instructions & Deadline

  • All abstracts must be submitted online using our new Abstract Submission website (see below); abstracts submitted via email to the Conference Host or Conference Chair will not be accepted;
  • When submitting abstracts, author(s) will have option of the following presentation formats:
    • 25 minute oral presentation on research or teaching
    • 75 minute symposium, roundtable, workshop or forum on research or teaching
    • Poster presentation
  • The abstract submission deadline is Friday October 13, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. EST
  • Instructions for abstract submission are located in the Online Abstract Instruction Manual; please review these instructions prior to submitting.
  • To submit an abstract, please visit

Lead author will be notified by the week of November 20, 2017.

For questions regarding the 2018 Conference, please contact Paul Batista, Conference Host

More information on conference website.


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