Nätverket European Athlete as Student Network, EAS, har instiftat ett stipendium till Bengt Nybelius minne. Nu utlyses stipendiet Bengt Nybelius Scholarship för första gången.
Bengt Nybelius grundade 2004 European Athlete as Student Network, EAS, ett nätverk som stödjer europeiska friidrottare som vill kombinera elitidrott med studier. Nätverket hade tidigare sitt huvudkontor på Högskolan Dalarna och 2011 blev Bengt Nybelius hedersordförande. Senare samma år gick han bort. EAS vill med det nyinstiftade Bengt Nybelius Scholarship föra hans arbete vidare.
Stipendiet kan sökas av unga forskare oavsett nationalitet som inte fyllt 35 år och som har en idrottsvetenskaplig examen.
EAS är till för universitet, högskolor och andra lärosäten som vill erbjuda möjligheten att kombinera elitidrott med studier. Nätverket fick efter grundandet stor spridning snabbt och har i dagsläget ett drygt trettiotal medlemmar i Europa.
Call for Papers
Bengt Nybelius, the founder of the European Athlete as Student Network (EAS), was a brilliant mind who settled the objectives and the structure of the organisation in 2004. He passed away in 2011, and EAS decided to establish a scholarship to carry on the legacy of his work. Therefore, we are happy to announce the first Call for Papers of the Bengt Nybelius Scholarship.
Aims of the Bengt Nybelius Scholarship
The aim of the Bengt Nybelius Scholarship is to facilitate the integration of outstanding graduate students and young researchers in the area of dual career.
Eligibility to the Bengt Nybelius Scholarship
Regardless the nationality and country of residence, young researchers under the age of 35 years holding a degree in sport sciences could be eligible for the Bengt Nybelius Scholarship.
Requirements to apply for the 2013 Bengt Nybelius Scholarship
Applicants must submit as first author an original manuscript related to the scope of EAS. Manuscripts must not contain information presented in other manuscripts under review, accepted, or published elsewhere. The manuscript should be written in English, between 15 and 25 pages double-spaced in Arial font size 11, including title page, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments (if applicable), references, tables, figures and legends, statement of conflicts of interest.
Manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter, stating clearly why the work is considered suitable for the Bengt Nybelius Scholarship and explaining the importance of the study.
Applicants must also submit a letter of intent of EAS Conference participation (if shortlisted).
Selection of the 2013 Bengt Nybelius Scholarship candidates
The Board of EAS will consider the quality of submitted manuscripts and notify all applicants by July 15, 2013. The three short-listed candidates have to summarize their work in a 15-minute oral presentation in English at the 2013 annual EAS Conference in Trondheim, Norway, September 19-21. At the Gala Dinner on September 20th, the Board of EAS will notify the winner of the 2013 Bengt Nybelius Scholarship.
Although EAS will not contribute financially to travel expenses and subsistence costs of short-listed candidates, they will be the guests of EAS at the Gala Dinner.
2013 Bengt Nybelius Scholarship Award
The winner of the Bengt Nybelius Scholarship will receive an EAS award and 500 € in cash.
Application to the 2013 Bengt Nybelius Scholarship
To be considered for the 2013 Bengt Nybelius Scholarship, applications must be submitted before June 25, 2013 (midnight GMT) by e-mail to Mr. Colin Allen at eas@tass.gov.uk. The applications must contain the following documents:
- A copy of the manuscript
- Curriculum vitae and list of publications
- Cover Letter as indicated above
- Letter of Intent of EAS Conference participation if shortlisted, whereby the three shortlisted candidates will benefit from the early bird registration fee
Requests of further information, if needed, could be addressed to Mr. Colin Allen at eas@tass.gov.uk.
We are looking forward to receiving your application!
The Board of EAS