About the position
At the Faculty of Business Administration and Social Sciences we have an open temporary position as Associate Professor in Sport Management until 7 September 2026. Your work will be at our campus in Molde. We seek for imminent accession.
The position is connected to our bachelor and master programmes in Sport Management, both specialized management programmes combining sport science with business administration and organisational studies. While the bachelor programme springs out of a Norwegian context, and most of the teaching is conducted in Norwegian, our Master of Sciences in Sport Management is an international programme taught in English.
Read more about the faculty and our programmes at our homepage:
Work duties
Planning and teaching
You must be able to teach in topics associated with the management and leadership of sport, in both national and international contexts. It is also desirable with teaching competence in one or more of the following topics: Sport and media, Event Management, Sport history and Research methods.
All staff members actively supervise and censor bachelor and master theses.
At present, 45 percent of the position is allocated for research, development, innovation, community contact and outreach. You will be part of a research group and a creative and inspiring environment. Read more about our research groups: https://www.himolde.no/english/research/research-groups/
Professional-administrative work
In addition, other tasks, such as programme coordination, might be allocated to the position.
We are seeking you who:
- have a PhD in Sport Management, or in other area within social sciences relevant to the programme. Other relevant backgrounds might also be considered;
- is an active researcher within Sport Management, or equivalent, with recent publications;
- have documented pedagogical competence and experience from teaching and supervising in areas relevant to this position;
- have good written and oral communication skills in Norwegian (or another Scandinavian language) and/or in English
For other requirements for employment as Associate Professor, see section 1-4 in the Norwegian version in the following regulations: https://lovdata.no/dokument/SF/forskrift/2006-02-09-129. If you lack the pedagogical education, you must acquire it within two years from starting the position.
In addition, we emphasise:
- good communication skills
- the ability to communicate and collaborate with students and colleagues
- personal skills that can contribute to a positive working environment
- experience from collaborating with sports organisations and society in general, with the ability for building networks
- good digital competence
- presence at Molde campus and active participation in the working environment
- experience in planning and managing projects
- administrative ability to manage tasks relevant for the position
We offer
As 1011 Associate Professor the gross wage range is NOK 648,700–689,100 (salary level 69–72). For the especially qualified candidate a wider salary range may be considered. There is a two percent deduction for superannuation contribution to the Norwegian State Pension Fund. The appointment will be in accordance with current Norwegian regulations concerning state employees. For this temporary substitute position, we especially refer to section 6-5 (4) in the act relating to universities and university colleges.
Application / questions
Apply by clicking the “Apply” button below, with the following documents:
- letter of application
- a full curriculum vitae with a complete publication list
- testimonials and all pages of your diplomas
- a selection of up to 15 academic publications
- two references with a description of their relationship to the applicant and contact information.
Selected applicants might be invited to an interview and a trial lecture.
For further information, please contact Dean of the Faculty of Business Economics and Social Sciences, Oskar Solenes, oskar.solenes@himolde.no, or programme coordinator Solveig Straume, solveig.straume@himolde.no
The application deadline is 3 January 2023.
Molde University College supports the Norwegian government’s inclusion efforts. We welcome applications from you who have a disability, or have gaps in your CV, but otherwise meet the qualification requirements for the position. We especially encourage female applicants.
According to the Freedom of Information Act, section 25, 2nd part, the list of applicants may be made public. Requests for anonymity must be specifically justified but cannot be guaranteed.