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    Vacancy | Funded PhD opportunity: The Origins And Rise Of Online Fitness Influencers, at Ulster University | Apply no later than February 24, 2025

    With the rise of the internet and smartphones, our sources of information have seen a massive shift. We no longer exclusively turn to books, professionals, or institutions for advice; we also turn to the internet. Among the myriad topics we seek information on, fitness stands out. And guiding us through our digital fitness journeys are online fitness influencers. This is especially the case for male gym goers who are a core audience for many of the internet’s most famous fitness personalities.This PhD examines how influencers have become such central figures in fitness spaces.

    Vacancy | Professor at the Department of Public Health, Aarhus University | Application deadline January 27, 2025

    As a Professor at the Department of Public Health, you will be part of an ambitious and internationally recognised department, where we collaborate to advance public health through research focused on the promotion of health and the prevention, treatment and alleviation of disease. We engage in broad collaborations internally and externally, sharing our knowledge with citizens, decision-makers, public and private sector businesses, and other researchers nationally and internationally.

    Lediga platser | Högskolelektor i idrottsvetenskap, inriktning idrottslära, till Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, GIH, i Stockholm | Ansök senast den 7 januari 2025

    I anställningen ingår de arbetsuppgifter som normalt är förenade med ett lektorat, såsom undervisning och forskning, verksamhetsförlagd utbildning, handledning av självständigt arbete på grundnivå och avancerad nivå. Handledning och undervisning på forskarutbildningsnivå kan förekomma. Vidare ingår kursadministrativa uppgifter samt kursutveckling på grundnivå och avancerad nivå. Därtill kan interna och externa förtroendeuppdrag samt nationell och internationell ämnesrepresentation förekomma.

    Vacancies | PhD students in Sport sciences specialising in social sciences and the humanities, to Malmö University

    Malmö University is an innovative, urban, and internationally oriented academic institution that, thanks to its committed and experienced staff, contributes to societal development. Here, teachers, researchers, and other employees with various competencies work together to conduct high-quality education and research. All professional categories and roles are important. You are welcome to apply for a job with us!

    Vacancy | PhD Scholarship in logistics with focus on sport in sustainable urban development, to Molde University College | Apply no later than August 1, 2024

    This PhD position focuses on sustainable urban planning, with emphasis on physical activity and sport in urban areas. Studies of cities and communities that prioritize active lifestyles show that they tend to be more sustainable by enabling residents to be more physically active in their daily routines. We therefore encourage applications focusing on areas such as organised and un-organised sport and physical activity, active mobility, public sector engagement for sport facilitation, sport and social inclusion, and sport for development.

    Postdoc i frivillighed og civilsamfund till Syddansk Universitet, Odense | Ansök senast den 26 maj 2024

    Kandidaten vil primært indgå i projekter omhandlende frivillighed i foreninger og de roller, foreninger kan spille for medlemmer og det lokale samfund (f.eks. demokratisk funktion, integration og livskvalitet). En primær opgave vil være at bidrage til design af og være ansvarlig for dataindsamling, der omfatter både kvantitative og kvalitative metoder. Kandidaten vil også skulle bidrage til dataanalyse og formidling – både til forskning og praksis (f.eks. rapporter, artikler og præsentationer).

    Ledigt stilling | Professor/førsteamanuensis i idrettsvitenskap, Universitetet i Agder | Søknadsfrist 30 april 2024

    Den som ansettes skal undervise på vår bachelor i idrett og master i idrettsvitenskap og eventuelt Ph.d.-programmet, primært innenfor treningsfysiologi (gjerne muskelfysiologi), grunnleggende treningslære, styrketrening og bevegelseslære. Vedkommende må også regne med å ha praktisk undervisning i andre idretter/aktiviteter utover styrketrening. Teoriundervisning i andre idrettsrelaterte emner eller forskningsmetode er også aktuelt. Veiledning av masterstudenter og Ph.d.-kandidater må påberegnes.

    PhD Studentship Opportunity | Physical Activity and Health Across the Life Span | Agder University, Norway. Apply no later than April 24, 2024

    A 100% position is available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences as a PhD Research Fellow in Sport Science, affiliated to the Department of Sport Science and Physical Education, for a period of three years. The position is located, at the present, at Campus Kristiansand. The PhD student will be part of the Physical Activity and Health Across the Lifespan (PAHLS) research group, that conducts research on the links between physcial activity, exercise and health in individuals across all ages.

    Lediga platser | Universitetslektor i idrottsvetenskap till Linnéuniverseitet, Växjö | Ansök senast den 21 april 2024

    Institutionen för idrottsvetenskap vid Linnéuniversitetet har ungefär 45 anställda och har verksamhet i Växjö och Kalmar. Vid institutionen finns ett omfattande utbildningsutbud som inkluderar ett flertal utbildningsprogram (Coaching och Sport Management, Idrottsvetarprogrammet, Idrottsvetenskapligt masterprogram och Ämneslärarprogrammet med inriktning mot arbete i gymnasieskolan), inklusive forskarutbildning i ämnet idrottsvetenskap, och ett betydande antal fristående kurser på alla nivåer.

    Masters degree scholarship | Connacht GAA & University of Galway Strategic Partnership Postgraduate Research Scholarship 2024 | EOI submission deadline April 30, 2024

    Connacht Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA), is offering a scholarship to pursue a specialised full-time one-year Masters research degree at the University of Galway commencing in September 2024. The value of the scholarship will fully cover the programme fees of the successful candidate plus an allowance of €500 for research expenses. Progression to PhD studies may be a possibility.