Research Papers
Free Sample article:
Participation in Therapeutic Camp: A Valuable Experience for Medical Trainees
Marley E. Burns, Nicole M. Fenton, Karina S. Javalkar, Sarah E. Cohen, Cara J. Haberman, Maria E. Ferris
Therapeutic Recreation Models of Practice: A Synthesis of Key Elements and Examination of Children’s Narratives of a Camp Experience for Evidence of These Elements
Ciarán Joseph Jennings, Suzanne Guerin
Student Research
A Pilot Study of Exclusivity of Athletic Identity among Wheelchair Rugby Players: Implications for Therapeutic Recreation
Shinichi Nagata
Resource Reviews
RT Wise Owls: A Recreational Therapy Website for Evidence-Based Practice Resources and Tools
Heather R. Porter
Using Theater and Drama Interventions to Reduce Bullying in School-Aged Children
Gina Ross, Rhonda Nelson
The Use of Yoga, Meditation, Mantram, and Mindfulness to Enhance Coping in Veterans with PTSD
Rachael Fiore, Rhonda Nelson, Eric Tosti
The Impact of Bibliotherapy on Positive Coping in Children Who Have Experienced Disaster
Alicia Pola, Rhonda Nelson
Boundless Playground: Inclusive playground developed by 501C3 organization in cooperation with local communities
Melissa L. Zahl, Kathy Morse, Jennifer A. Piatt