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    Public defense of doctoral thesis | Sustainable Development Goals Through Sport: An analysis of Policy Implementation in Ghana by Derrick Okpoti Charway, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, June 12,...

    The primary aim of Derrick Charway’s study was to analyze the policy goals and implementations of state and non-state sport organisations in Ghana and the extent to which they contribute to national development. This study addressed three of the 17 SDGs: healthy living (SDG 3), gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment (SDG 5), and disability (SDG 10). The findings revealed three common concerns that stood out: the non-involvement of local implementing actors, the restricted legitimacy of Sport for Development organisations, and skewed resources distribution to support football.

    PALAESTRA: Adapted Sport, Physical Education, and Recreational Therapy Vol. 37, 2023 No. 2

    PALAESTRA is a quarterly publication designed to be a single responsible source of valuable information for those interested in sport, physical education, and recreation involving individuals with disabilities. Focus is on people, not disabilities. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Adapted Physical Education National Teacher of the Year Award by Cindy K. Pileltic, Ann-Catherine Sullivan, Linda Hilgenbrinck.

    PALAESTRA: Adapted Sport, Physical Education, and Recreational Therapy Vol. 37, 2023 No. 1

    PALAESTRA is a quarterly publication designed to be a single responsible source of valuable information for those interested in sport, physical education, and recreation involving individuals with disabilities. Focus is on people, not disabilities. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: The Effect of Paralympic Athlete Status on Public Perceptions of Competence and Capability in Persons With Blindness by Kimberly Elizabeth Ona Ayala, Yetsa A. Tuakli-Wosornu, Cathy McKay, George Raum, Katie Wang.

    PALAESTRA: Adapted Sport, Physical Education, and Recreational Therapy Vol. 36, 2022 No. 4

    PALAESTRA is a quarterly publication designed to be a single responsible source of valuable information for those interested in sport, physical education, and recreation involving individuals with disabilities. Focus is on people, not disabilities. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Beneficial Effects of Access to a Disability Sports Facility on Mental and Physical Health of Patrons by Joy Cabador, Mike Cottingham, Alyson Galanga.

    Disputation | Performance determinants and classification in paracanoe | Johanna Rosén, GIH, fredagen den 10 december 2021

    I Johanna Roséns avhandling har biomekaniska prestationsvariabler under paddling undersökts hos parakanotiser med funktionsnedsättning i syfte att utveckla och fördjupa kunskapen inom två evidensbaserade klassificeringssystem för para-kajak och para-va´a. Studier som i framtiden undersöker påverkan av funktionsnedsättning på paddlingsprestation och validiteten av systemen bör företrädesvis utföras på vatten för att ytterligare förbättra den ekologiska validiteten.

    Call for Papers | The 4th annual conference for the Center for Sociocultural Sport and Olympic Research (CSSOR) | California State University, Fullerton, March 18-19, 2022. Call ends...

    Proposed research papers focusing on broader sociocultural topics within sport are welcomed in addition to research specifically addressing the Olympic Movement. Scholars in the fields of history, philosophy, management, communication, ancient and modern languages, literature, visual and performing arts, anthropology, sociology, cultural studies, economics, marketing, and law are encouraged to submit proposals or attend the conference.

    PALAESTRA: Adapted Sport, Physical Education, and Recreational Therapy Vol. 34, 2020 No. 3

    PALAESTRA is a quarterly publication designed to be a single responsible source of valuable information for those interested in sport, physical education, and recreation involving individuals with disabilities. Focus is on people, not disabilities. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: A SHOULDER STRENGTH PROGRAM FOR WHEELCHAIR BASKETBALL PLAYERS by Jihyun Lee, Cathy McKay, Nicole L. Gutierrez.

    Therapeutic Recreation Journal, Vol. 54, 2020, No. 2 | Mental Health in Therapeutic Recreation

    TRJ provides a national forum for research and discussion on the needs of persons with disabilities, problems confronting the profession, new vistas of service, and receiving therapeutic recreation services. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: RECOVERY AND MENTAL HEALTH: EXPLORING THE BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF LIVING WELL WITH MENTAL ILLNESS by Lauren Cripps, Colleen Deyell Hood.

    PALAESTRA Vol. 34, 2020 No. 2 | Special Feature: Autism Spectrum Disorder

    PALAESTRA is a quarterly publication designed to be a single responsible source of valuable information for those interested in sport, physical education, and recreation involving individuals with disabilities. Focus is on people, not disabilities. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: AN AFFINITY-BASED APPROACH TO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER by Martin E. Block, Chad Nichols, Jason Bishop.

    Therapeutic Recreation Journal, Vol. 54, 2020, No. 1

    TRJ provides a national forum for research and discussion on the needs of persons with disabilities, problems confronting the profession, new vistas of service, and receiving therapeutic recreation services. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: CREATING FOOTBALL MEMORY TEAMS: DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION OF A FOOTBALL-THEMED REMINISCENCE THERAPY PROGRAM by Brent L. Hawkins, Gregory Ramshaw, Taylor Hooker, Katie Walker