That Was The Week That Was,
April 25 – May 1, 2022


Dear all,

It ended well, the mishap I mentioned last week, about missing authors, or rather failing to get in touch with authors of an article that had been sent proof pages but not responded. Utilizing our wide network of contacts, we eventually managed to get through; it turned out our emails had been caught in quite another net, popularly known as the “junk mailbox”. We will be able to publish that article this week, hopefully, while last week we published another piece, an interesting study of the commercialization of football in Sweden, comparing it to Japan. Sadly, though, in Swedish.
We’re actually considering providing unedited machine translations into English of articles in the Scandinavian languages. What do you think, would that be helpful at all?
Last week the following items were published on (see below; language and publication dates, YYMMDD, in brackets). Click on the red headings to go to content. Utilize the Google Translate service to turn Scandinavian language pages into (some sort of) English.
Have a great week,
Kjell Eriksson

Research Article

En kommersialiserad svensk idrottsmodell: En jämförande analys med Japan [A commercialized Swedish sports model: A comparative analysis with Japan], by Björn Horgby & Christer Ericsson

I den här artikeln av Björn Horgby och Christer Ericsson diskuteras och jämförs styrningen av svenska och japanska fotbollsklubbar utifrån de tre logikerna: den demokratiska logiken, tävlingslogiken och den kommersiella logiken. Dessa logiker påverkade klubbarnas verksamhet, både manliga och kvinnliga, och resulterade i olika typer av åtgärder och främjade olika former av maktutövning. Författarna diskuterar en styrmodell baserad på den företagsstyrda modellen. (Published in Swedish 220429; English abstract available.

Book Reviews

Idrettspsykologi: Motivasjon, ledelse og prestasjon by Elsa Kristiansen & Hedda Berntsen

Idrottspsykologi som ämne handlar om hur man utvecklar, förbättrar och underhåller tankar och handlingar som resulterar i optimal prestation och utveckling. Vikten av kunskap för att optimera idrottsupplevelsen och prestationerna hos idrottare är i fokus i Idrettspsykologi: Motivasjon, ledelse og prestasjon av Elsa Kristiansen och Hedda Berntsen (Universitetsforlaget). Vår recensent Peter Carlman framhåller bokens praktiknära pedagogik som dess främsta tillgång och USP. (Review in Swedish, published 220426; book in Norwegian.)

Sports Crazy: How sports are sabotaging American schools by Steven J. Overman

In Sports Crazy: How Sports Are Sabotaging American Schools (University Press of Mississippi), Steven J. Overman exposes the excesses of middle and high school sports and the detrimental effects the obsession with sports has on American education. Our reviewer Marie Larneby has a keen interest in student-athlete issues, and she read Overman’s book with great interest and found his analyses relevant way beyond the American systems of school and sports. (Review in English, published 220427.)

New Issues of Scholarly Journals

(We rely heavily on journal publishers delivering on their promises of new issue alerts. Sometimes they don’t.)

  • Sport Management Education Journal, Volume 16, 2022, Issue 1 | Diversity and Inclusion in Sport Management Education (220425)
  • Journal of Motor Learning and Development, Volume 10, 2022, Issue 1 (220425)
  • Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Volume 39, 2022, Issue 2 (220426)
  • Sport in Society, Volume 25, 2022, Issue 4 | The Sport Mega-Events of the 2020s: Governance, Impacts & Controversies (220426)
  • Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, Volume 49, 2022, Issue 1 (220427)
  • Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Vol. 60, May 2022 (220427)
  • Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, Volume 27, 2022, Issue 3 (220428)
  • Leisure Sciences, Volume 44, 2022, Issue 3 (220428)
  • Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, Volume 30, 2022, No. 2 (220429)
  • Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Volume 44, 2022, Issue 2 (220429)

News items (calls for papers, vacancies, etc.)

  • Vacancy | Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of New Brunswick | Closing date April 29, 2022 (220426)
  • Public defence of doctoral thesis | Reducing risk for eating disorder development and muscle building supplement use in adolescents: a cluster randomized controlled trial | Kethe M. E. Svantorp-Tveiten, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, May 2, 2022 (220429)




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