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    Call for Participation | “Physical Movement, Body Cultures and Identity in Europe – on and off the Screen” | International hybrid symposium, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, October 1, 2021

    This symposium will bring together national and international perspectives from different disciplines, including film and television studies, literary and cultural studies, sport science, performing arts and history. Panels will focus on the spheres of sport and dance as codified physical and popular cultural activities that have historically connected individuals and peoples across the continent of Europe.

    Call For Papers | Football Feminism – Global Governance Perspectives | The Symposium, Jean Monnet Center, NYU School Of Law, February 24–25, 2020. Call ends July 15, 2019

    The Symposium will aim to illuminate and nuance the relationship between gender and power within the transnational regulatory system that governs football (with FIFA at its helm); to identify specific gendered implications of existing governance structures, rules and procedures; and to consider innovative ideas for feminist reform or revolution.

    Call for Participation | Promoting and Supporting Good Governance in the European Football Agents Industry: Protecting Young Footballers | Malmö, April 24, 2019

    It is universally recognized that young football players are particularly vulnerable and deserve protection. Agents play a central role in assisting and protecting young players, which also places a special burden on agents working with young players. The event seeks to bring together football stakeholders and interested parties to discuss risks, problems, and solutions.

    Call for Participation | New research agendas for the study of sports media (re)presentation(s) of sportswomen and femininity | Friday 12 October 2018. Booking required

    This one-day symposium will be of interest to early career researchers and academics from a range of disciplines who are interested in exploring the construction of gendered identity in modern mediated sport, and who would like to make an ongoing contribution to an interdisciplinary understanding of sports media.

    Call for Papers | “Landscape, Sport, Environment: The Spaces of Sport from the Early Modern Period to Today”, the 2019 Garden and Landscape Studies Symposium | Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC,...

    The symposium seeks to address this lack of knowledge, exploring the design of different sport and recreational landscapes over time and how they have given expression to various understandings of nature and culture. What are the relationships between sport landscapes and their environment? What is the relationship between the site itself and the culture of sports and recreation embedded within it?

    Call for Participation | Post Olympic Winter Games 2018 Seminar | June 28–29, 2018, Vuokatti Sport OIympic Training Center, Finland. Call ends June 10, 2018

    This symposium offers presentations and discussions on the preparations, performances and experiences from OWG 2018. Speakers include Helge Bartnes, Norway; Peter Reinebo, Sweden; Mika Kojonkoski,Finland; Matthias Felix Gilgien, Norway; Olli Ohtonen, Finland; Stefan Lindinger, Sweden.

    Häst och människa – forskning och samverkan | Norges idrettshøgskole, den 12 april 2018 | Anmälan senast den 6 april 2018

    Under dagen presenteras pågående forskning om relationen mellan människa och häst ur humanistiska och samhällsvetenskapliga perspektiv. I möten mellan ridsportens organisationer, forskningsfinansiärer och forskare diskuteras möjligheter att söka medel för framtida forsknings-, utvecklings- och samverkansprojekt.

    Skandinavisk Netværk for Eliteidræt | Symposium Post-OS in Rio 2016 | November 17–18 2016

    The Scandinavian Network for Elite Sport – University of Aarhus, Norwegian School of Sport Science & University of Gothenburg – hereby invite all interested (sport officials, elite and youth sport coaches, athletes, researchers, students etc.) to the ‘Post-OS in Rio 2016 Symposium’ on the 17th and 18th of November 2016 at the University of Gothenburg.

    Call for Contributions: Sport development and women’s sport symposium, Canada, June 2015

    Women Deliver, a global organization bringing together partners to advocate for the health and well-being of girls and women, is planning a symposium called Girl Power and Play in June 2015 in Canada on the impact of team sports on girls in the global development context. This symposium will coincide with the FIFA Women’s World Cup in Canada and...

    GCI arrangerar symposium: Rörelseglädje och inspiration

    Föreningen för psykomotorik och föreningen GCI inbjuder till symposium kring rörelseglädje och inspiration den 3–4 oktober 2014, Danderyds gymnasieskola, Stockholm. Aktuell forskning och praktisk tillämpning av rörelsens betydelse för barns och ungdomars lärande och utveckling. Våra föreläsare och inspiratörer Tilde Björfors Professor i nycirkus och grundare av Cirkus Cirkör, regissör, konstnärlig ledare, cirkusdirektör Ingegerd Ericsson filosofie doktor i pedagogik, universitetslektor i idrottsvetenskap Cirkus Cirkör Nordens största aktör inom konstformen...