Tag: swimming
Call of Papers | “Sport in Maritime, Riverine, and Aquatic Cultures”, Special Issue of International Journal of the History of Sport | Call ends April 7, 2025
We welcome submissions dealing with any aspects of rowing, swimming, sailing, diving, surfing, fishing, canoeing and any other recreational or competitive maritime, riverine or other aquatic sporting activity, including the practices, participants, organisation, or institutions of aquatic sport. We particularly encourage submissions dealing with issues, practices, and cultures outside Europe and North America.
Call for Papers | “Diversity in Aquatics: Building a Community of Champions”, Special Issue of The International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education (IJARE) | Call ends October 18,...
The theme of this special issue is “Building a Community of Champions” highlighting and promoting a civic engagement perspective which engages, advocates, and supports communities of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) in addressing the national, regional, and local evolving health-related issue of drowning. Aquatic Settings have been a pivotal focal point of social justice, water safety, and public health not only in the past but our present
“The Aquatic Life” | NordPlus Horizontal project concludes with an open access E-book, a toolkit on water competence
The "AQUATIC LIFE" project focused on strengthening the Nordic-Baltic cross-sectoral cooperation in the field of swimming teaching and water safety education for children in order to develop the quality of water competency education and contribute to better drowning prevention in both Baltic and Nordic countries.
Call for Papers | Sociolinguistic Dynamics in Sport, an International Conference | Siena, Italy, November 15–17, 2018. Call ends July 22, 2018
Sport promotes a shared sense of belonging and participation and may therefore also be an important tool for the integration of immigrants. The link between language and sport is, therefore, a very interesting issue which pushes one unto reflecting about identitarian expressions and to rethink integration of immigrants and all citizens.
Doktorand i idrottsvetenskap till Inst. för kost- och idrottsvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet. Ansök senast 2017-06-21
Det aktuella doktorandprojektet ingår som en del av Simlyftet i Göteborg. Satsningens syfte är att öka jämlikheten i simkunnighet, bland annat genom att ge fri simundervisning till skolelever i olika årskurser (ca 15 000 barn årligen). Simlyftet kommer att starta hösten 2017 och genomföras som ett samarbete mellan skola och idrotts- och föreningsförvaltningen.
Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research Volume 59, Issue 1
Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research is an open access journal with a wide scope encompassing sociology, history, philosophy and other disciplines within the social sciences and humanities.