Tag: student athletes
Journal of Athlete Development and Experience, Volume 2, 2020, Issue 2
JADE was founded to publish and promote research that focuses on people over profits. Editor’s pick from the current issue: The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: STUDENT-ATHLETES AT AN HISTORICALLY BLACK UNIVERSITY (HBU): EXAMINING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STUDENT-ENGAGEMENT ON CAMPUS AND CAREER SITUATION AWARENESS by Gregg Rich, Kenneth Kungu, and Ali Boolani.
Recreational Sports Journal, Vol. 44, 2020, Issue 1
The Recreational Sports Journal is the scholarly, peer-reviewed publication of the NIRSA Foundation. Its purpose is to provide a source of empirical, theoretical, and applied research to the field of recreational sports. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: “I’M NOT AN EXPERT, BUT…”: PERSPECTIVES ON AQUATIC MANAGEMENT FOR LGBTQ PARTICIPANTS by Austin Robert Anderson, Eric Knee, and William Dominic Ramos.
Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education, Volume 14, 2020, Issue 2
JSSAE provides a forum for discussion and analysis on the unique characteristics of sports and athletics participation in education. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BURNOUT AND DEPRESSION IN INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETES: AN EXAMINATION OF GENDER AND SPORT-TYPE by Arianna Martignetti, Jessyca Arthur-Cameselle, Linda Keeler & Gordon Chalmers.
Livestreamad disputation | Vi och de Andra: Om idrott, genus och normer på en idrottsprofilerad högstadieskola av Marie Larneby, Malmö universitet, den 29 maj 2020
Syftet med Marie Larnebys avhandling är att beskriva och problematisera normativa mönster relaterade till idrott och kön vid en idrottsprofilerad grundskola, och diskutera vilka konsekvenser dessa mönster kan ha för idottseleverna. Avhandlingen har en etnografisk inriktning och empiriska data samlades in genom observationer och semistrukturerade intervjuer. De idrotter som studerats är tennis, innebandy, fotboll för pojkar, fotboll för flickor samt lektioner idrott och hälsa.
Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education, Volume 14, 2020, Issue 1
JSSAE provides a forum for discussion and analysis on the unique characteristics of sports and athletics participation in education. The Journal takes a multidisciplinary approach in examining the issues that face student athletes. Editor’s pick from the current issue: THE IMPACT OF FOOTBALL ON STUDENT–ATHLETES WITH EDUCATION-IMPACTING DISABILITIES by Sarah Stokowski, Andrew Goldsmith, Chris Croft, Shelby Hutchens & Alison Fridley.
Journal of Athlete Development and Experience, Volume 2, 2020, Issue 1
JADE was founded to give voice to the athlete experience and address issues surrounding athlete development. Our goal is to publish and promote research that focuses on people over profits. Editor’s pick from the current issue: Editor’s pick from the current issue: THE PERFECT GAME: AN ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS APPROACH TO THE INFLUENCES OF ELITE YOUTH AND HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL SOCIALIZATION by Max Klein, Charles Macaulay, and Joseph Cooper.
Journal of Athlete Development and Experience, Volume 1, 2019, Issue 3
JADE was founded to give voice to the athlete experience and address issues surrounding athlete development. Our goal is to publish and promote research that focuses on people over profits. Editor’s pick from the current issue: PUPIL-ATHLETES’ LEARNING DISPOSITIONS AND THEIR POTENTIAL EFFECTS IN SCHOOL SPORTS-SITUATED TALENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS by Anna Renström and Cecilia Stenling.
Recreational Sports Journal, Vol. 43, 2019, Issue 2
The Recreational Sports Journal is the scholarly, peer-reviewed publication of the NIRSA Foundation. Its purpose is to provide a source of empirical, theoretical, and applied research to the field of recreational sports. Topics include student development, programming, and organizational development.
Går det att skapa bredd och fostra elitspelare i samma verksamhet? De första resultaten av ”MUSSE-studien” presenteras | Den 10 december 2019, Baltiska hallen, Malmö
Malmö Youth Sport Study, mer känd som MUSSE-studien, följer två årgångar elever som studerar vid Malmö idrottsgrundskola. Avsikten är att öka kunskapen om hur man kan skapa en verksamhet som både är inkluderande och inbjuder till deltagande i idrott och ett livslångt intresse för fysisk aktivitet och idrott (ett hälsoperspektiv) och samtidigt skapar framgångsrik talangidentifikation och talangutveckling (ett elitperspektiv).
Call for Papers | “College Athlete Academic Engagement” | Special Issue of Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics. Call ends February 17, 2020
This special issue of the Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics is designed to move our understandings of the experience college athletes have in their educational pursuits through a grounding in educational theory associated with academic engagement and success. It is unique from the extant research because it is intended to encourage scholarship that focuses on ways to increase participation in these activities.