Tag: sport culture
Call for Papers | “Race, Gender, and the Queering/ Querying of Sporting Cultures”, Special Issue of Women’s Studies International Forum | Call ends March 1, 2024
We are pleased to welcome submissions of essays, poetry, short fiction, activist statements, manifestos, notes from the field, and artwork that examine issues relating to a wide range of movement cultures among differently positioned womyn of color and, also, represent a significant contribution to the fields of feminist, queer, critical studies of race, transnationalism, and interdisciplinary Women’s and Gender Studies.
Call for Papers | “Sport and Festivity”, Special Issue of Journal of Festive Studies | Call ends June 30, 2023
For this thematic issue, we welcome articles from a wide variety of fields (including, but not limited to: anthropology, history, sociology, folklore studies, performance studies, sports studies) and a focus on at least one of the following topics: sports festivals; the festive or carnivalesque culture of sports fans and athletes; traditional festivals and rituals that include a sporting dimension; and the festive dimension of new “alternative” sporting events.
Call for applications | PhD Course 2022: Culture, Sport and Society, September 12–16 , 2022, Umeå University, Sweden
The aim of the course is to advance student interest in, and understanding of, the social and cultural aspects of sport, with particular reference to broader issues of culture, cultural production and cultural politics. The course will feature a mix of lectures, seminars and workshops on these themes. Lectures and seminars will be given by leading academics from European universities. Workshops will enable students to discuss their projects with lecturers and fellow students.
Call for Papers | “The Contemporary Trends in Sports Engagement: Social and Cultural Perspectives”, Special Issue of Societies | Call ends January 31, 2023
Various protests and social movements have drawn public and scholarly attention to racial injustice, sexual harassment and gender inequality, and violence in the context of professional and collegiate sports and beyond. In a related yet different vein, the COVID-19 pandemic has further complicated sport engagement significantly. In this Special Issue, our primary aim is to unpack such complexities by addressing how contemporary social and cultural events and trends interact with varying dimensions of sport engagement.
Call for Papers | “Sport and Society in Crisis” – Twelfth International Conference on Sport & Society | University of Granada, Spain, June 24–25 2021. Call ends May 24,...
To support the range of options, and flexibility needed in our current climate, we will offer a blended conference experience. You do not need to commit either to a place-based or virtual presentation at the time of submission. You can present both ways, or change your mode of the presentation if your preferences change. The choice to participate virtually could also be a moral decision – for the planet, for security, or when the financial burden of travel is too great.
Call for Papers | “Sport and Mediatization: Sports Events and Cultures Across the World”, Special Issue of Communication & Sport. Call ends September 30, 2021
This special issue encourages submissions grounded in comparative and interdisciplinary perspectives on several topics including, but not limited to, sport and its mediatization in different regions, as well as sporting events and their impact on economies, political and/or cultural systems. We hope that scholars, especially those based outside countries featuring big media sport, will contribute submissions examining specific situations in various nations and regions.
Call for Papers | Conference: “Sites of Memory in Skiing” | Schwabenakademie Irsee, 17–19 February 2021. Call ends October 16, 2020
Rhe 53rd Nordic World Ski Championships will be held in Oberstdorf in the Allgäu region of Germany will be used as an opportunity to hold an international conference on places of memory in skiing and its cultural memory. Following the example of the French cultural scientist Pierre Nora and the term “lieux de memoire”, which he coined, this conference will interpret the concepts of “place” or “memory” in many different ways
Vacancy | Junior professorship with tenure track (W1/W2) in “Education and Culture in Sport and Exercise” | University of Münster. Apply before September 30, 2020
The future job holder will represent the topic area of “Education and Culture in Sport and Exercise” in research and teaching. In any case, the candidate is supposed to cover the subject of sport pedagogy. Furthermore, a historical perspective should be taken into account. Other potential topics can be cultural studies on sport, body and exercise, sport philosophy or sport ethics.
Forum for idræt, Årg. 34, 2019
Tidsskriftet Forum for Idræt er en online publikation, der udgiver forskning, formidling og debat om idræt inden for det samfundsvidenskabelige og humanistiske fagområde. Foreningen bag tidsskriftet, Forum for Idræt, Historie og Samfund (FIHS), har eksisteret siden 1985. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: FODBOLD FITNESS: MERE AF DET SAMME ELLER ET BRUD MED FRITIDSFODBOLDENS STI? by Søren Bennike, Laila Ottesen.