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    Tag: Richard Giulianotti

    Sport in Society, Volume 22, 2019, Issue 4: Sport and Outdoor Life in the Nordic World

    The considerable growth of interest in commerce, media and politics and their relationship to sport in international academia has resulted in academics in various disciplines writing about sport. Sport in Society is a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary forum for academics to discuss the growing relationship of sport to significant areas of modern life.

    Sociology of Sport Journal, Volume 35, 2018, Issue 2

    The purpose of the Sociology of Sport Journal is to stimulate and communicate research, critical thought, and theory development on issues pertaining to the sociology of sport. The journal publishes peer-reviewed empirical, theoretical, and position papers; book reviews; and critical essays.

    The International Journal of the History of Sport, Volume 33, 2016, Issue 15

    The International Journal of the History of Sport is the world’s leading sport history academic periodical with fully-refereed global coverage of the subject. As well as regular issues, the IJHS also offers regionally-focused issues on the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australasia and the Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East, and special issues each year on significant topics and themes.

    “Sport for Social Inclusion” | Special issue of Social Inclusion

    New special issue, Vol 5, No 2 (2017), of Social Inclusion, "Sport for Social Inclusion”, is now out. All articles are free to download (open access). Please feel free to share the articles with your colleagues. Editor: Reinhard Haudenhuyse (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)

    Two text books on the sociology of sport that probably work best together

    In this original review for, Jay Coakley takes on two introductory textbooks in the sociology of sport, Sport Sociology by Peter Craig and Sport and Society, edited by Barrie Houlihan & Dominic Malcolm (both Sage Publications). His critical analysis from the point of view of the academic teacher leads him to a well-argued conclusions that will be rewarding reading for teachers as well as for the respective author/editors.

    Comprehensive collection, with the usual suspects and some bright spots

    In his knowledgeable review of A Companion to Sport, edited by David L. Andrews and Ben Carrington, Alan Bairner, Professor of Sport and Social Theory at Loughborough University, finds that the volume offers something for everybody, if not everything for all.

    Richard Giulianotti och idrottens sociologi

    Bo Carlsson recenseras Richard Giulianottis fyrabandsantologi Sociology of Sport från Sage, 1664 sidor och 78 artiklar, pris 500 pund. Lite kluven är vår recensent, och lutar mot att uppfatta verket som en nulägesrapport, och han ger dessutom uttryck för viss frustration över idrottssociologins bristfälliga teoriutveckling.
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