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    Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, Volume 31, November 2022

    JoHLSTE aims to promote, enhance and disseminate research, good practice and innovation in all aspects of higher education. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Intergenerational service learning outcomes for event management undergraduates involved in organizing Pickleball events by Jungsu Ryu, Jinmoo Heo.

    Sport, Business and Management, Volume 12, 2022, Issue 4

    SBM promotes the development of a coherent, high-quality body of work that examines both the business and management of sport, as well as the actors and stakeholders that align with sport to further their strategic objectives. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Agency problems concerning the handling of fan misbehaviour and its punishment in football by Philipp Winskowski, Susanne Homölle.

    Sport in Society, Volume 25, 2022, Issue 8

    Academics in various disciplines are writing about sport. Sport in Society is a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary forum for academics to discuss the growing relationship of sport to significant areas of modern life. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Where do they all come from? Youth, fitness gyms, sport clubs and social inequality by Mads Skauge & Ørnulf Seippel.

    Sport in Society, Volume 23, 2020, Issue 2 | Management, Marketing and Economy in Sports Organizations

    The considerable growth of interest in commerce, media and politics and their relationship to sport in international academia has resulted in academics in various disciplines writing about sport. Sport in Society is a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary forum for academics to discuss the growing relationship of sport to significant areas of modern life.

    Sport Management Review, Volume 21, 2018, Issue 3

    Sport Management Review is a multidisciplinary journal concerned with the management, marketing, and governance of sport at all levels and in all its manifestations – whether as an entertainment, a recreation, or an occupation.

    International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, Vol. 18, 2018, No. 1/2: “Advances in Sport Management in the Global Marketplace: Theory and Practice”

    The International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing (IJSMM), a refereed journal published four times per year, aims to present current practice and research in the area of sport management and marketing. IJSMM is a unique publication useful for everyone interested in the new developments in sport management and marketing theory and practices.
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