Tag: Neil Carter
Women in Sports History: A successful sequel, ten years on
Carol A. Osborne & Fiona Skillen’s edited collection Women in Sports History: Ten Years On (Routledge) examines the developments in women’s sports history in Britain in the last 10 years, following on from its successful predecessor Women in Sports History (2010). Susanna Hedenborg reviewed the 2010 volume, and she agreed to take on the sequel. Now as then, she finds much to appreciate, it’s an historians delight, but also now as then there is room for improvement.
A well-written and engaging history of the bicycle in Britain from its earliest days through to the present
Neil Carter’s Cycling and the British: A Modern History (Bloomsbury) charts the historical development of cycling both as a leisure and sporting activity since the 19th century and explores the wider political and cultural context in which cycling in Britain emerged. Seasoned cycling historian Duncan R. Jamieson found much to enjoy in Carter’s thoroughly researched and captivating history of British cycling and society, spanning a century and a half.
Life stories of seemingly uninteresting athletes offer a deeper understanding of the conditions that formed modern sport in Britain and Europe
Dave Day’s edited collection from 2011, Sporting Lives (MMU Institute for Performance Research) originates from a Sporting Lives symposium hosted by MMU Cheshire, and must be considered a modern sport history classic. John S. Hellström is our reviewer, and he finds the sum of the parts to be most rewarding, even though some individual contributions are highly readable. Shame, though, that only one of eleven chapters is written about a women.
Sport in History, Volume 40, 2020, Issue 4 | Women in sports history: ten years on
Sport in History encourages the study of sport to illuminate broader historical issues and debates. Includes an extensive reviews section, an annual compendium of sports-related accessions to British archives and a 'Sport in Public History' section. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: MARGUERITE WILSON AND OTHER ‘HARD-RIDING … FEMININE SPACE EATERS’: CYCLING AND MODERN FEMININITY IN INTERWAR BRITAIN by Neil Carter.
On the changing concepts of medicine, sport and the body
Susanna Hedenborg har read a thorough study of the history of the relationship between sport, medicine and health, Neil Carter’s Medicine, Sport and the Body: A Historical Perspective. Our reviewer is impressed, but not altogether content.
Managern i engelsk fotbollshistoria
Jørn Hansen
Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik, Syddansk Universitet, Odense
Neil Carter
The Football Manager: A History
204 sidor, hft.
Oxford: Routledge 2006 (Sport in the Global Society)
ISBN 0-415-37539-8
I udgivelsesserien ”Sport in the Global Society” har Neil Carter fordybet sig i den engelske fodboldmanagers historie. En historie, der tegner et billede af en person, hvis oprindelige opgaver ved professionel fodbolds begyndelse i Storbritannien nærmest var en...