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    Call for Papers | Olympism: Contributions from media, journalism and communication studies. Special Issue of Mediapolis – Journal of Communication, Journalism and Public Sphere | Call ends January 31,...

    Mediapolis thus reinstates Olympism as a central theme, while also demonstrating its plural and interdisciplinary character, As this is the journal’s first foray into such a complex topic, the challenge is to open up and create a space for reflection and discussion on Olympism in its relationship with the media, journalism and communication, preferably based on original and innovative empirical research, and extended to multiple visions and themes that question and reflect on Olympism and its intersections with the media, journalism and communication.

    Call for Participants | Jesús Costantino: “Friday Nights Live: Television and Prizefighting in the Post-Segregation Era” | Iowa Colloquium on Sport and Culture. Webinar on Zoom, Friday November 10,...

    The relationship between postwar television broadcast and the Civil Rights Movement is complex. In an effort to untangle some of this fraught history, this talk examines the entanglements between live television broadcasts and interracial prizefighting in the 1950s and 1960s. Looking at the history of live prizefight broadcast as well as the TV and film versions of Rod Serling’s Requiem for a Heavyweight (produced in 1956 and 1962, respectively), the talk analyzes the ways live broadcast technology was shaped by (and shaped in turn) the post-segregation racial regime.

    Call for Papers | 24th Annual International Conference on Sports: Economic, Management, Marketing & Social Aspects | May 13–16, 2024, Athens, Greece. Call ends January 23, 2024

    The aim of the conference is to bring together academics and researchers of all areas of sports. Participants can present on sports topics within broad streams of research areas. Consistent with the theme of ATINER’s small academic events, all programs may include a few sessions on current topics in education and research. Please note that all our conferences are non-thematic as explained in our policy. However, academic members and friends can take the lead to organize and chair a stream as part of this conference.

    Communication & Sport, Vol. 11, 2023, No. 4

    C&S is a cutting-edge peer-reviewed quarterly that publishes research to foster international scholarly understanding of the nexus of communication and sport that engages a broad intellectual community. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Major League Missteps: How MLB Mishandled the Astros Cheating Scandal by Emily A. Spackman, Christopher Wilson, Brendan Gwynn, and Kris Boyle.

    Call for Participants | Dunja Antunovic: “Time to Award Medals? Agenda Diversity in Media Coverage of the Olympics” | Iowa Colloquium on Sport and Culture. Webinar on Zoom, October 6,...

    In this talk, I examine the implications of social media platforms in relation to agenda diversity during the Olympic Games. I overview recent datapoints on representations of sport, gender, and national identity from multiple contexts (e.g., United States, Australia, Slovenia, Croatia, and Hungary) to illustrate that nationalism continues to be a driving force in coverage, albeit with local particularities. I problematize notions of “gender equality” in media representations that obscure gendered nationalism and perpetuate “us versus them” divisions.

    International Journal of Sport Communication, Volume 16, 2023, No. 2

    The mission of IJSC is to provide a platform for academics and practitioners to disseminate research and information from diverse fields such as critical studies, sport management, advertising, etc. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Habitually Scrolling: An Examination Into How Sport Consumers Use Social Media by Heather Kennedy, Daniel C. Funk (open access).

    Communication & Sport, Vol. 11, 2023, No. 3

    C&S is a cutting-edge peer-reviewed quarterly that publishes research to foster international scholarly understanding of the nexus of communication and sport that engages a broad intellectual community. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Wearable Fitness Devices: An Investigation into Co-constructed Meaning of Use by Matthew Blaszka, Natasha A. Rascon.

    Communication & Sport, Vol. 11, 2023, No. 2

    C&S is a cutting-edge peer-reviewed quarterly that publishes research to foster international scholarly understanding of the nexus of communication and sport that engages a broad intellectual community. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: A Scoping Review of Research on Online Hate and Sport by Colm Kearns, Gary Sinclair, Jack Black, Mark Doidge, Thomas Fletcher, Daniel Kilvington, Katie Liston, Theo Lynn, Pierangelo Rosati (open access).

    International Journal of Sport Communication, Volume 16, 2023, No. 1

    The mission of IJSC is to provide a platform for academics and practitioners to disseminate research and information from diverse fields such as critical studies, sport management, advertising, etc. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Role Model or Quitter? Social Media’s Response to Simone Biles at Tokyo 2020 by Steph Doehler.

    Communication & Sport, Vol. 11, 2023, No. 1

    C&S is a cutting-edge peer-reviewed quarterly that publishes research to foster international scholarly understanding of the nexus of communication and sport that engages a broad intellectual community. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: “Detrimental to the Team Dynamic”: Exploring College Student-Athlete Dissent by Rikishi T. Rey and Zac D. Johnson.
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