Zeigler Lecture
Not All Doctoral Programs Are Created Equally
Jeffrey D. James
The Ultimatum Game in the College Football Rivalry Context
Brian M. Mills, Scott Tainsky, B. Christine Green, and Becca Leopkey
Student-Athletesโ Organization of Activism at the University of Missouri: Resource Mobilization on Twitter
Grace Yan, Ann Pegoraro, and Nicholas M. Watanabe
Run Again Another Day: The Role of Consumer Characteristics and Satisfaction in Repeat Consumption of a Sport-Related Experience Product
Bradley J. Baker, Jeremy S. Jordan, and Daniel C. Funk
The National Collegiate Athletic Association as a Social-Control Agent: Addressing Misconduct Through Organizational Layering
Khirey B. Walker, Chad S. Seifried, and Brian P. Soebbing
Off the Press
Will Big League Baseball Survive? Globalization, the End of Television, Youth Sports, and the Future of Major League Baseball
Khalid Ballouli
Gender Politics in US College Athletic Departments: The Case of the University of Minnesota Merger
Laura Burton