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    Vacancy | Funded PhD opportunity: The Origins And Rise Of Online Fitness Influencers, at Ulster University | Apply no later than February 24, 2025

    With the rise of the internet and smartphones, our sources of information have seen a massive shift. We no longer exclusively turn to books, professionals, or institutions for advice; we also turn to the internet. Among the myriad topics we seek information on, fitness stands out. And guiding us through our digital fitness journeys are online fitness influencers. This is especially the case for male gym goers who are a core audience for many of the internet’s most famous fitness personalities.This PhD examines how influencers have become such central figures in fitness spaces.

    Call for Participation | Health and Fitness in the 21st century: Challenges and Opportunities Facing the Field | Regis College, Weston MA, November 15, 2024. Registration deadline is November...

    This one-day conference is an event that brings together professionals and scholars in the fields of health and fitness to share ideas on the challenges and opportunities we face a quarter way through the 21st century. With new dynamics at play and issues to navigate, those working in health and fitness fields need to work together to share best practices and ideas at the forefront of our community.

    Call for Chapters | Body Cultures: Physicality, Space, and Moving Bodies | Call ends July 31, 2024

    Anchored in the realms of sport and fitness, this collection will delve into the intricate choreographies of movement, performance, and physical breakdowns. Contributors shall examine the body not merely as a biological entity, but as a vessel of cultural, artistic, and communicative expressions. Drawing references from theatre and the arts, as well as sport and popular culture, an essay will illuminate the performative dimensions of athleticism, juxtaposing them with theatrical embodiments.

    Sport Scholar Profile | Greta Bladh | Mid Sweden University

    With a Ph.D. in gender studies, Greta Bladh has taken an interest in what ways gender norms both enables and disables our moving bodies within sporting practices, such as within gym culture. As such, issues concerning inclusion and exclusion have been a focal point of departure, which also extends to a current project concerning public outdoor gyms in Sweden. Currently, Greta Bladh holds a position as lecturer and postdoctoral researcher in sociology at Mid Sweden University.

    Disputas | Physical activity, fitness, and cardiovascular disease risk in childhood cancer survivors av Mari Bratteteig, Norges idrettshøgskole, 8 november 2023

    Hovedmålene med dette ph.d.-prosjektet var å beskrive nivåer av fysisk aktivitet og sedat tid blant unge barnekreftoverlevere og å sammenligne risikofaktorer for hjerte- og karsykdom hos overlevere med et internasjonalt referansemateriale, samt kontroller matchet på alder og kjønn, og å undersøke sammenhengen mellom fysisk aktivitet og ulike domener av fysisk form (kondisjon og muskelstyrke) med risikofaktorer for hjerte- og karsykdom hos overlevere og jevnaldrende.

    Call for Participants | “Doping and amateur athletes”, online Short Talk, free of charge | June 22, 2023, at 17:00 CEST

    Neyond the realm of professional sports, doping is common in gyms and recreational sports, spreading among amateur athletes. These amateur athletes are rarely subjected to anti-doping polices and controls, less even to prevention and information sessions. Their medical supervision cannot be compared either to the support that professional athletes get. We invite you to join our next webinar, co-hosted with the Human Enhancement Drugs Network (HEDN), on amateur athletes and doping.

    Public defence of doctoral thesis | Non-levelled playing fields and the rise of fitness: Social inequality in late modern youth sport in Norway | Mads Henrik Skauge Antonsen, Nord...

    Mads Skauge, frequent contributor to from early on in his PhD education, as a book reviewer, blogger and writer of a number of feature articles, has completed his dissertation, which is about social inequality in organised youth sport participation and the rise of fitness gyms. The inequality dimensions analysed are gender, social class and ethnicity with the aim to contribute to the understanding of inequality in sport and fitness participation.

    Public defence of doctoral thesis | Fitness clubs: A venue for public health? | Christina Gjestvang, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, February 17, 2022

    Christina Gjestvang’s PhD-project aimed to gain an increased understanding of those individuals who choose to join a fitness club, and are able to stay active, and continue with, regular exercise in a group of novice exercisers in their first year of a fitness club membership. A fitness club membership was not associated with increase in total physical activity level or numbers meeting the physical activity recommendations.

    Livestreamad disputation | Moving thresholds: Body narratives within the vicinity of gym and fitness culture av Greta Bladh, Umeå universitet, den 4 december 2020

    Studien tar sin början på ett gym, vilket har inskrivet i dess stadgar att verksamheten ska präglas av ett normkritiskt arbetssätt. Detta gym kan således ses som en plats där genuskodade normer, vilka i avhandlingen diskuteras i termer av trösklar, bearbetas på olika sätt med avsikt att skapa ett inkluderande klimat. Avhandlingen bygger på kvalitativa metoder såsom deltagande observationer, semi-strukturerade intervjuer, samt kollektiva minnesövningar.

    Sport Scholar Profile | Aurélien Daudi, Malmö University

    Aurélien Daudi is a Ph.D. student at Malmö University. The subject of his research is the thriving domain of social media, particularly the digital culture surrounding fitness which, through the advent of social media, has grown immensely in popularity and appeal, recruiting into its midst young people from all over the world. He posits a dialectical synergy between fitness as a social practice and the governing values at the heart of social media.