Tag: field hockey
Vacancy | Funded Ph.D., “Dressed for the Field: Gender, Bodies, and Society through the Material Culture of Field Hockey, 1880 to the present” | Call ends November 30, 2023
Applicants should have a background in material culture, fashion / textile history, gender history, or sport history. Individuals with a material culture or fashion / textile history background do not need to have knowledge of the sport of field hockey; similarly, applicants with a background in gender or sport history do not need to have knowledge of material culture or fashion / textile history.
Call for Papers | “Field Hockey Histories: Local, National, and Global”, Special Issue of International Journal of the History of Sport | Call ends February 28, 2023
Academic studies exploring the history of field hockey are relatively scarce beyond its role in early women’s sport activities. The special issue editors are looking for a broad geographical focus among the papers as the sport of field hockey has a strong presence on all six continents. It is expected that all papers will adopt an appropriate historical and/or biographical methodology. Submissions with a strong heritage focus or that draw on a wide array of primary sources are especially welcome.