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    Call for Papers | Frontiers Research Topic: “The Social and Psychological Outcomes of Sport Spectatorship”. Call ends June 30, 2021

    The purpose of this article collection is to shed light on the wider utility of sport spectatorship to achieve social and psychological outcomes in different countries, contexts, and populations. We strongly encourage novel and innovative approaches to researching this topic – notably conceptual and/or methodological aspects that are inclusive and accepting of the ontology and epistemology of the community within which the research is conducted.

    Book announcement | Politics, Ideology and Football Fandom: The Transformation of Modern Poland, by Radosław Kossakowski, Przemysław Nosal, and Wojciech Woźniak

    This book examines how fans develop political identities and how those identities can influence the wider political culture. It surveys the turbulent history of Poland in recent decades and explores the dominant right-wing ideology on the terraces, characterised by nationalism, ‘traditional’ values and anti-immigrant sentiment.

    Call for Papers | “Female Fandom: A Global Perspective”, Special Issue of Soccer & Society | Call ends May 1, 2020

    The increasing interest for girls and women to follow football, both live and through old and new media, raises important issues regarding politics, engagement, identity, gender, and power relations. This special issue of Soccer & Society, with guest editors Aage Radmann and Susanna Hedenborg, highlights female fandom in a global perspective. We welcome multi-disciplinary approaches to the theme.

    Call for Papers | Understanding Rivalry and Its Influence on Sports Fans | A book edited by Cody T. Havard, The University of Memphis. Call ends April 15, 2018

    With a strong understanding of what causes and influences rivalry, and how it impacts sport fans, this book seeks to answer additional questions regarding the phenomenon while presenting new areas of research that can help guide inquiry into the subject.  We seek high- quality original research and academic commentary chapters that will reach this end.

    Call for Papers | “Consuming Athletic Labor” | Special issue of Journal of Sport and Social Issues

    The history of modern sport has been defined by a wide range of labor struggles, from individual contract disputes to collective acts of workplace dissent, protest, and unionism. This special issue of the Journal of Sport and Social Issues will consider the place of fans and fandom in the labor relations of modern sport.

    Journal of Sport & Social Issues Vol. 39, No. 2, April 2015

    Journal of Sport and Social Issues (JSSI) brings you the latest research, discussion and analysis on contemporary sport issues. Using an international, interdisciplinary perspective, JSSI examines today's most pressing and far-reaching questions about sport. Special Issue: Focus on New Media & Sport (Part 2)

    Call for papers | The Fan Studies Network 2015 Conference | 27-28th June 2015, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK

    We invite abstracts of no more than 300 words for individual 20 minute papers that address any aspect of fandom or fan studies. We also welcome collated submissions for pre-constituted panels. We also invite expressions of interest from anyone wishing to host a short session of ‘speed geeking’.

    Call for Papers | Fandom and Religion | University of Leicester Conference Centre, College Court, 28–30 July 2015

    Fandom and Religion at the University of Leicester Conference Centre, College Court 28th- 30th July 2015. Organized by the Theology, Religion and Popular Culture Network, with the support of: UskoMus Research Network (University of Turku and at Åbo Akademi University) CODEC (University of Durham) Institute for Theology, Imagination and the Arts (University of St Andrews) Network for Religion in Public Life (University of Exeter) The Christian...

    Call for Papers | Special issue of Sport in Society | “The Ultras – The global development of a fan phenomenon”

    Submission of Interest Deadline: 1 December 2014 Focus and topics Ultras are the most prominent form of football fandom in the 21st century. From their origins in Italy in the 1960s, this style of fandom has spread across Europe and then across the globe. Central to the ultras style of fandom is an unwavering support for their team. In order to demonstrate this, the...

    Call for Papers | 2nd Global Conference: Fan Communities and Fandom, November 2014, Prague, Czech Republic

    2nd Global Conference Friday 7th  November – Sunday 10th November 2014 Prague, Czech Republic Call for Presentations The words ‘fan’ and ‘fandom’ often conjure up images of screaming groupies, sports supporters adorned in the colours of ‘their’ team, die-hard messageboard participants and even stalkers who perpetrate actual violence against the object of their fannish desires. Whether viewed as a positive or negative cultural force,...
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