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    Call for Papers | “Sport and Climate Change”, Special Issue of Sport in Society | Call ends February 1, 2024

    Climate change already has affected sports in many ways. Athletes suffer from having to perform in extreme heat, winter events are cancelled due to lack of snow or moved because of warmer climate. Many sports have strong links to and appreciation of nature, yet their environmental impact remains problematic. The overall aim of this Special Issue is to pinpoint research-based options for sports to work proactively with climate change through informed management, combining innovation and tradition at a global scale.

    Call for Papers | “Environmental Sustainability and the Olympic Games”, Special Issue of Journal of Olympic Studies | Call ends August 31, 2023

    This special issue seeks to explore such complexities and environmental issues surrounding the Games. We welcome theoretical, empirical, and conceptual submissions from a broad range of disciplines (history, sociology, anthropology, environmental studies, philosophy). While broad, we hope this special issue will capture the array of connections between climate change, physical culture, and the Olympics.

    Call for Papers | Frontiers Research Topic: “The Politics of Sport and the Climate Crisis”. Call ends June 30, 2023

    The goal of this research topic is to illuminate and further advance scientific understandings of these political debates (and others related to sport and the climate crisis). It seeks to unpack the geographical, cultural, sociological and/or organizational contexts in which these debates occur, the stakeholders involved, the issues at stake (money, prestige, control, brands, etc.) and the implications of these debates for moving sport closer to addressing the climate crisis.

    Call for Papers | “Environmental attunement in health, sport and physical education”. Special Issue of Sport, Education and Society | Call ends November 18, 2021

    This call seeks to examine diverse scholarship on the possibilities and challenges of expanding social, cultural, political and embodied connections to place, space and ‘nature’.  Because many tools are needed to examine the complexity of these issues, we welcome papers that engage with a variety of approaches; especially research that is imaginative and considered in the application of empirical, theoretical, speculative or other methods.

    Doktorandkurs | Idrottens och friluftslivets miljöutmaningar, 7,5 hp. Malmö universitet, HT 2021

    Syftet med kursen är att du ska tillägna dig fördjupade kunskaper om idrottens och friluftslivets miljöpåverkan och miljöutmaningar historiskt och i dagens samhälle och hur de kan förstås utifrån sammanhang i tid och rum. Viktiga utgångspunkter är idrotten och friluftslivet som samhällsfenomen, rörelser och politikområden. Kursen behandlar olika aspekter av idrottens och friluftslivets utmaningar såsom historiska perspektiv, transporter, material och teknik, mark-och vatten användning, event, politik och påverkansinstrument.

    Call for Paper | “Sport, Leisure, and Sustainability”, Special Issue of the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | Call ends August 31, 2021

    For this Special Issue, we seek theoretically and empirically sound examinations of sport, leisure, and sustainability. We conceptualize sustainability to consist of issues related to the environment, economics, and equity. 2020 has illuminated potentially unsustainable practices in sport and leisure. Flooding as a result of climate change, wild fires in the Western United States, and COVID-19.

    PhD studentship in sport philosophy to the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences. Apply before August 7, 2020

    The Department of Sport and Social Sciences has a vacant PhD candidate position in the field of sport philosophy. There is the possibility of applying to one out of two (or to both) predefined PhD projects. One project will be focusing on the ethics of medicalization and performance-enhancing means in sport, and the other on eco-philosophical and environmental issues in sport.

    Doktorand i Historiska studier av teknik, vetenskap och miljö till Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, inom forskningsprogrammet Mistra Sport & Outdoors. Ansök senast den 1 juni 2020

    Forskarutbildningen ger en bred och allsidig bas för fortsatt karriär som historiker och som forskare inom historiska och angränsande discipliner. Som doktorand kommer du att bedriva historisk forskning i ett projekt inriktat på idrott och/eller friluftsliv i ett brett samhällsperspektiv med fokus på miljö och hållbarhet. Den specifika forskningsuppgiften utformas i dialog med handledare och en forskargrupp inom Mistra Sport & Outdoors.

    Call for Papers | “Sports and the Environment – Policies, Values and Sustainability”. 2019 EASS Conference | University of South-Eastern Norway, Bø, June 3–6, 2019. Call ends February 15,...

    The world is in state of rapid transformation. Sports are not excluded from these accelerated political, structural and cultural changes. Rather, sports play a part in these rapid transformations. This conference aims to bring forward perspectives that could enlighten our understanding of sports and the environment through a broad spectrum of social scientific enquiries.

    Call for Papers | “Sport and Sustainability” | Special issue of Sustainability. Call ends October 31, 2019

    This Special Issue seeks submissions on sport and sustainability within two emerging areas: (1) Culture and Politics: We seek forward-thinking research focused on the role of culture and politics related to sport organization sustainability practices, broadly conceived. (2) Fan Engagement: Academic research on the topic of sport influencing its fanbase is still in its infancy, and more research is warranted.