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    Call for Papers | Histories of Cross-Border Sport in Scotland and England | Robert Burns Centre, Dumfries, Saturday, 17 October 2015

    The British Society of Sports History, Scottish Network, is pleased to invite you to ‘Histories of Cross-Border Sport in Scotland and England’, our annual one-day symposium, this year at the Robert Burns Centre in Dumfries. Suggested paper topics might include (but are not limited to): The South of Scotland, the North of England, and civic, ‘regional’, and ‘national’ identities Sport, gender, and...

    Call for Papers: The Scotland England Match – Football and National Identity in the UK

    International Centre for Sports History and Culture, De Montfort University The Scotland England Match - Football and National Identity in the UK Saturday 26 October 2013, Leicester This is a football conference primarily about the fans. The first official Scotland England international was held in 1872 at the West of Scotland Cricket Ground in Partick. About 4000 people paid a shilling each to see a...

    The Secret Footballer

    "The Secret Footballer" är en verklig Premier League-spelare som har valt att skriva om sitt liv inom brittisk fotboll. Hans bok I Am The Secret Footballer: Lifting The Lid On The Beautiful Game publicerades Av Guardian Books den 23 august. Läs en specialskriven krönika av den hemliga fotbollsspelaren, "Down the rabbit hole: Depression in the Premier League",  på Läs mer om...

    FA fyller 150!

    Nästa år är det 150 år sedan engelska Football Association (FA) bildades, och för att celebrera detta anordnas den 2–4 september 2013 ‘Football 150’ conference, på National Football Museum (var annars) i Manchester. Det blir tal av den organiserade fotbollens höjdare, däribland Karen Espelund, men också stor forskarnärvaro. Läs Call for Papers här.
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