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    Tag: Emily L. Williams

    Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Vol. 54, May 2021

    Psychology of Sport and Exercise is an international forum for scholarly reports in the psychology of sport and exercise, broadly defined. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: Ten essential features of European dual career development environments: A multiple case study by Louise K. Storm, Kristoffer Henriksen, Natalia B. Stambulova, Emily Cartigny, Tatiana V. Ryba, Koen De Brandt, Yago Ramis, Saša Cecić Erpič.

    Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Vol. 49, July 2020

    Psychology of Sport and Exercise is an international forum for scholarly reports in the psychology of sport and exercise, broadly defined. The Forum Editor’s pick from the current issue: THE REBALANCING ACT: INJURED VARSITY WOMEN ATHLETES’ EXPERIENCES OF GLOBAL AND SPORT PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING by Lisa R. Trainor, Peter R.E. Crocker, Andrea Bundon, Leah Ferguson.

    International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Volume 17, 2019, Issue 3

    The International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (IJSEP) publishes empirical and theoretical contributions in the science of physical activity, human movement, exercise, and sport. The journal’s Editors and Editorial Board encourage researchers and scholars worldwide to submit their work for publication.

    Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Vol. 34, January 2018

    Psychology of Sport and Exercise is the Official Journal of the European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC). Psychology of Sport and Exercise is an international forum for scholarly reports in the psychology of sport and exercise, broadly defined. The journal is open to the use of diverse methodological approaches.

    Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, Volume 20, June 2017

    The Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education (JoHLSTE) is the leading international, peer-reviewed educational journal for this subject grouping.
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